101 Best Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Jul 2nd 2022

101 Best Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

101 Best Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read in 2021

The Wonderful Journey of Life Starts When You Start Turning Pages. You start to rediscover and reinvent yourself every time you read a good book. A book can make you a better and updated version of yourself. “That’s the thing about Books. They let you travel without moving your feet”- JUMPA LAHARI.It applies to your business as well. The greatest habit one can have in life is reading. Books are the fountainheads of knowledge. The more you read, the more you rediscover and reinvent the entrepreneur in you. Books fill you with knowledge, wisdom, takes you through problems virtually, and make you find solutions to them. They make you think, they give you thoughts when you’re out of them. No wonder a good book is called a good friend.

Why Book Reading is So Important?

A book is the cheapest and best personality development course you can get. So, If you want to be a businessman, and achieve a lot of success the first thing you need to do is to recreate yourself to handle business and success. The foolproof way for doing so is just reading books. A lot of them without any limits and limitations. They build your personality, your thoughts, and actions and carve you as a successful person removing all extra pieces. An average, successful businessman, CEO read 50-60 books a year, That’s one book away. No wonder why they are so much successful.

How To Choose The Right Book To Start Reading?

When I say reading books, I don’t mean to read anything and everything. You need to choose the right books to gain the right knowledge. There are thousands of books out there and you need to pick the best of the best. How would you know which book is best for you without actually reading it? Deciding after reading at least one page will take you a lifetime.

So, here we are to help you out with your selection. We have provided a huge list of some wonderful life-changing books picking up the best from the best. All of these are fully tried and testing and foolproof without any imaginative and Utopian concepts. Each one of them is a real gem that is embedded with a lot of gems. Written by great businessmen and successful entrepreneurs. Just try to complete even some of the time, that will bring a lot of good things to your life. How busy you may be, Just dedicate some time to reading books.

Always keep a book with you where ever you are. Whenever you get some free time, take out your book and start surfing through the pages. Stop useless conversations, Stop watching useless videos on the internet, and Stop Netflix. Stop wasting money on useless things and save some money to buy books. Try to explore the cheapest way to buy or read books. Take annual or lifetime library membership. Do anything you like, but just start reading. Immerse yourself in your reading habit, because this is the only thing that makes you successful! Anyone can read those books. They bring a lot of change in everyone’s lives. But, The list has been crafted keeping in view the following categories of people.

  1. Businessmen
  2. Entrepreneurs
  3. Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  4. CEO’s
  5. Marketing Executives
  6. Management Professionals
  7. Writers
  8. Freelancers
  9. People who are aspiring to be successful.

Best Business Books on Entrepreneurship and Startups:

1. The Lean Startup by ERIC RIES:

How to start a startup? How to know that your Idea is the best? Is there a way to check whether your idea works or not? To get away to find answers to more of such similar questions just start reading the Lean Startup. This book features a list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The Lean Start-Up: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses? “Eric has created a science where previously there was only art. A must-read for every serious entrepreneur—and every manager interested in innovation.” Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, Opsware Inc., and Netscape. The author of the book Eric Ries is a Startup Adviser, Employee, and Founder. He gave insights into his own experience about the reasons for failure as well as success. He defines a Startup as an organization dedicated to creating something new under extremely uncertain conditions. There are thousands of startups being created around us every day. But only a few of them sustain, and very few of them get success. The fault is not with the idea, it is the poor execution of a brilliant idea that made them fail. To avoid this a new concept emerged called Lean Startup where the main focus would be on two things. First Learning from others’ mistakes and Correcting our Mistakes, and quick testing of the business idea in a shorter model- Minimum Viable Product Model with minimal loss. So, This book act as a guide for Businessmen especially Entrepreneurs with Startup Ideas to develop and lay their path towards success.

2. Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares?

This particular book can be your handbook, guide, route map, mentor, and adviser in your journey towards creating a startup. The author of the book explained some tools for startups to generate explosive customer growth that is Traction. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. Traction is much harder than building a company and a product. Many startups fail not because of the failure of products or ideas, but because of their inability to create traction due to ineffective strategies. The Authors of the book Gabriel Weinberg is the founder and CEO of multi-billion dollar internet privacy company DuckDuckGo. In this book, he explained how to choose a startup plan, how to implement the idea at the same time creating a market to attract customers by employing various tools and techniques from the beginning itself without any delays. He explained 24 methods in particular how you can create traction and get explosive customer growth too. If you’re someone who has a brilliant startup idea and looking to start a business, then you must read this book to give a quick-fire start with the solid platform after all well begun is half done.

3. Crushing It: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence? – And Now You Can Too By Gary Vaynerchuk:

If you’re someone who is looking to build your business empire, Then you require a lot of will power and knowledge. You need to study and learn how people did it before, What are the struggles faced by them and how did they overcome them.

Crushing It book is a one-stop solution for all those experiences of persons. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The Author of the book a four-time New York’s best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk presented experiences of tough nuts who are the Most Popular and Successful entrepreneurs who withstood a lot of struggles in their way to build their business empires. He gives an insight into how to use all means to build your business from the old means to the latest social media platforms. He dissects social media platforms and how they can be used to build your influence. Crushing it provided innovative tips and tweaks proven to enhance and give more effect to your strategies. So basically as the title of the book suggests, It all deals with crushing it leaving no stone unturned. Never miss out on any sort of opportunity to build your business. It’s not about getting rich, but it’s all about living life on your terms.

4. Startup Opportunities – Know When to Quit Your Day Job by Brad Feld and Sean Wise:

Every year millions of startups get created with the hope they’re gonna be the next big thing. But, How many of them reach their target? To some, the beginning is the end in itself. Many of them don’t get to see a five-year milestone. Only a handful become the next big things that too after a long struggle and perseverance. That itself should explain how uncertain startups are and how much we can rely on them solely for our financial needs. The main failure behind some of them might be wring marketing strategy, unable to create traction, etc. This can be solved if you can impress people with your idea and doing the various needed correction. Although you may struggle you can get back on track. But in some cases, the fault lies in the Idea of a startup in itself. In this case, it is almost impossible to script a comeback. So, How would you know whether your Idea leads you to success or not? This book serves as a practical guide to evaluate your business Idea. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. If your Idea passes the evaluation test provided in the book you can rely on your idea and can afford to leave your day job although it is not highly recommended. But if your idea fails to satisfy evaluation criteria you must not quit your job trusting your idea completely. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur you must read this book at any cost.

5. Zero to One- Notes on Startups by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters:

The author of the book Peter Thiel is the founder and director of PayPal which revolutionized online commerce worked as a director on Facebook for some time. He has been a vital cog in many multi-million industries as well. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. In this book, the author shared some patterns of establishing startups he observed while he dealt with startups in his brief career and experience. Every event in business happens only once. If you have some role models and if you want to be like them, then don’t try to copy them in terms of business ideas. The next Steve jobs will not start making Mac book again. Next Larry page will never create another google to compete with the existing one. So one should look to create something new. When you look to create something new you are starting with Zero and moving till One. The act of creation, the moment of creation is singular and will never get repeated.

Zero to one is all about creating new and successful companies that create new things.

6. Good to Great, Why Some Companies Take a Giant Leap.. and Others Don’t by Jim Collins:

This is a great book for business startups and entrepreneurs on how to start and maturely proceed with their opportunities to maximize productivity and outcome from every opportunity. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The author of the book Jim Collins is a senior adviser and a lecturer of Business management. This book is a result of the Author’s search for an answer to his question “Can good companies become great if so how”? He leads a large team on a grand project that spanned five years. The team studied more than 6,000 articles and 2,000 interview transcripts of various successful persons and created the most useful database in their studies. The consolidated form of this research has been released in the form of two gems named Good to Great and Build to Last. These are the two books that all aspiring businessmen must keep reading, re-reading in present and future times as well. He gave insights on his research about companies that went from good to great and listed the qualities they all possessed in common that made them The Next big things. The book introduced the concept of Level-5 leadership, a great leadership lesson that wants to be a leader and a great tip for those who hire people to lead their enterprise. He also discussed various other concepts like First What-Then who, Three overlapping circles concept, Culture of discipline, Technology accelerators, etc. If you are someone who is looking to build your business empire then it is better to take valuable lessons from thousands of others who had been already there and done that.

7. Built To Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies:

There are several reasons why this book featured in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. Some companies catch up with the changing needs of society and stay relevant all the time. These companies are called visionary companies. They were started with a vision of future generations keeping in mind the needs of future generations and how they need to reinvent and rediscover themselves. They were built to last forever staying relevant for all times. The author of the book Jim Collins is a senior adviser and a lecturer of Business management. This book is a result of the Author’s search for an answer to his question “Can good companies become great if so how” and How to Build companies with a vision so that they last forever? The consolidated form of this research has been released in the form of two gems named Good to Great and Build to Last. These are the two books that keep guiding the entrepreneurs, Businessmen, and professionals in further times to come. In this book, the author listed and explained about 18 great companies that are visionary. The criteria followed was the company must be founded before 1950 (Still relevant and active), Persons with great business knowledge at the helm of affairs, Generations of CEO’s. If you want to build something strong, and lasts long, a sort of business empire you must read this book to learn the vision behind these visionary companies.

8. Choose Yourself! Be happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream By Jakes Altucher:

The author of the Book James Altucher is best selling author, Hedge funder, Entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. He Co-founded more than 20 companies and a contributor to the most popular publishing platforms that deal with business publications. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The world has been never the same. It kept on changing constantly and in recent times it started changing at a phenomenal rate. With the advent of technology and modern lifestyle, the world is changing a lot which leads to a lot of uncertainty. Whatever you see and whatever you do, All those are uncertain. They will change in due course of time. Under these ever-changing and uncertain circumstances there lies a great challenge before you that is “Choose yourself”. Choose yourself – what you want to do and how you want to do it. Choose yourself, How you are going to adapt to the ever-changing world and how to stay certain in this world that is filled with uncertainty. This book exactly deals with the dilemma and the author has provided thought-provoking views on the subject. Seriously, A must-read book for everyone.

9. The Innovators Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change The Way You Do Business By Clayton M Christensen:

How great a company you might be, how successful you can be. Once the wrong step and you can lose all your customers and may even fade away from the market. Yes, it is possible and we have practical real-life examples of how great companies started fading away from the market. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The Author of the book Clayton M Christensen is a business consultant, Religious leader and currently works as a professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business school of Harvard University. He is the Co-Founder of Rose Park Advisors which is a venture capital firm and investment firm specializing in innovation.

In this book, he gave lessons to learn from companies that faded from markets due to lagging in the innovation part, and steps to avoid such fade out. How strong your business can be, You should never ignore innovation and miss the wave of innovation people has to start missing you. So, If you want to be successful and be relevant at all times you need innovation. Not just in technology, but marketing, Advertising, Strategies, Business model, and all other aspects of Business. You need to keep adapting, reinventing, and rediscovering yourself again and again.This book is a must-read for all those who want to excel may it be in business or life.

10. Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder:

The “Business Model Generation” serves as a handbook and one-stop guide for people who wish to start a business, entrepreneurs, professionals, Managers, Executives, and consultants. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. This book helps them to generate a business model to adapt to the changes that take place every day and able to cater. The author of the book Alexander Osterwalder is a Swiss Business theorist, author, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur. He is well known for his work on the business model generation, and development of business model canvas.

11. Lean IN: Women, Work, and The Will To Lead by Sheryl Sandberg:

This book features all-time favorite books of all ambitious women and one of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the Book Sheryl Sandberg is an American Technology Executive, Author, and billionaire. She worked as Chief Operating Officer at Facebook and founder of LeanIn.org. She was named in Times100, A list of most influential people of 2012. In this book, the author explained how women can manage themselves in the workplace. She provides practical advice to women on Negotiation Techniques, self-management, and building a successful career. She also explained how men can benefit from helping women in the workplace and at home. The author of the book has written the book combining humor with a lot of wisdom, backing her arguments with proper research and practical theories and examples.

12. The $100 Startup by Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau:

A must-read book for entrepreneurs, who want to build their own company and don’t want to live under supervision dependent on someone’s directions. The author of the book Chris Guillebeau is an author, speaker and blogger, and host of world domination summit. He has written books on business, startups, and Travel under the brand name “Unconventional Guides”. This book has reached the sixth position in its category on the NYT Bestseller list and features in the list of top 100 best business books of all time. In this book, the author dealt with leaving a bit of personal advice for all start-ups and businesses and clear the doubts, dogmas, and dilemmas in their minds. This book can be compared to basic tool kits or a crash course on How to start a business? This book has been written very well with loads of tips and at every instance, it clears all starters’ doubts and gives them confidence that that can start, they know problems on the way and they can overcome them. If you’re someone who looks to live independently and start a business then you must start reading this book.

13. First Break All The Rules Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman:

Want to know what the world’s greatest managers do differently, then you must read this book because that itself is the subtitle of this book. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The author of the book Marcus Buckingham is an author, Business consultant, and Motivational speaker. He started his own company to create management training programs and tools. CO-Author Curt Coffman offers solutions for better management and employee satisfaction. In this book, Marcus explains the faults in the way of thinking of the Management. He also explains how good managers always find a way to cope with the management and create satisfaction among their employees by their way of managing things. In this book the authors busted all the myths revolving around managers and Management. The book also explained new truths about how management deals in getting new talent into their organization and how they manage to hold them. He gave insights on what good managers do and don’t do. Good managers never try to fix weaknesses, rather they focus mainly on strengths and make the best use of it. They always find a way to measure and reward outcomes.

Best Books on Leadership

Well, if you want to build your skills in leadership and want to learn how to lead your team, then this section is for you. Here we have listed some great books that will help you to learn great leadership skills.

14. Start With Why: How Great Leader Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek:

Wonder why some organizations perform better than others? Why do some enterprises can’t repeat the success they’ve achieved once? This is the ‘Why‘ that motivated the author to write this book, and the answer he found out is leadership. This is one of the top best business books of all time to build great leadership skills. Leadership defines and decides the success of the enterprise. A leader must have concrete why to keep motivating people to work and achieve desired results. He wishes to say that “Take care of why and Everything falls in its Right Place”. In this book the author dealt with the concept of the Golden Circle, a framework upon which people can be motivated, Institutions can be built, success can be achieved all as a result of great inspirational leadership. The author tried to give insights on the qualities of a leader and methods in which he can get the desired output from his team, How to constantly keep motivating them to share the thirst for success.

15. Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss:

If you’re someone who has a tough time Negotiating or you’re someone who always has to deal with Negotiating then you must start reading this book. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The Author of the book Chris Voss has been formerly associated with the FBI as an International Hostage Negotiator. He offers new negotiation techniques that are field tried and tested approach for high-stakes international negotiations. You can’t ask for any better person to deal with the topic of Negotiating. Pin this book he takes you for a ride through high-stakes negotiations in very tense situations. He reveals how his negotiation skills helped him save the lives of many people and mostly His colleagues and friends at the FBI. In this book, He shares nine effective principles that turn you into the master of negotiations. He compares life to a series of negotiations and one should always be ready to negotiate. The better you can negotiate, the better your life would be. Reading this book will give you Negotiating power and a competitive advantage in every aspect of life.

16. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead And Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin:

This is an incredible book on motivation and leadership from the most inspirational person who managed to achieve success in the harshest working conditions…The battlefield. This book is the #1 New York Times bestseller out of all the best business books. The authors of the book were retired United Navy SEAL Who received Silver Star and Bronze Star for their service in the Iraq War. The authors take us on a tour to Iraq, where the two naval officers were sent on a mission to the most violent battlefield in Iraq. The unit was on a seemingly impossible mission, which is helping the U.S forces help regain the lost city of Ramadi. In such a scenario of violent situations, most harsh conditions, heroism, tragic losses, sacrifices leadership is the only quality that decided to win or loses. Willink And Babin returned victorious teaching great leadership lessons to the future generations to come. Each chapter of this book deals with a specific aspect of leadership in military terms and how to apply them in real-life situations to emerge victorious in the battle of life.

Best Business Books on Management

Becoming a manager is your goal? Well, managing people or employees is not at all an easy task without proper skills.

However, you will learn enough skills by reading books that are written by great leaders and managers. Below, you can find the best out of the best business books on management.

17. Business Adventures by John Brooks:

One of the Best Business Books of all time and Blogged by the great Bill Gates himself as his Favorite book. That itself should explain the value of the book that topped the list of best business books of all time. This book gives engaging insights about Business, Corporate and Financial life in America. Business Adventures explain 12 Crucial events that shaped the financial outlook of the American Economy. The book gives insights into Human nature in terms of business, best practices, and emerging technologies. It also takes the reader through stories of wall street in a dramatic way. It Explained critical historic events dramatically and made a great attempt to teach lessons from them.

  1. 1962 Flash Crash,
  2. Ford Edel Fiasco,
  3. Federal Income Tax System,
  4. Texas Gulf case 1959,
  5. Xerox’s Roller coaster success,
  6. Piggy wiggly’s investment Debacle,
  7. Buttonwoods Conference of 1964- Birth of World Bank and IMF.

So, If you want to have some historical outlook of the American Financial situation and various factors that shaped it to read this book. You will understand how small things lead to big events and how big events influence small things.

18. The Personal MBA, Master the Art of Business by Josh Kaufman:

The author of the book Josh Kaufman is the author of three best-selling books. His researches focus on business, entrepreneurship, skill acquisition, creativity, psychology, productivity, and practical wisdom. His research has been featured in all popular journals. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. It doesn’t need an MBA degree to master the art of business. It doesn’t mean it’s useless but it’s okay even if you don’t have one. All you have is the right kind of personality you will become a business genius without an MBA. In this book, Josh Kaufman delivered the core concepts of business management in one shot of a silver bullet by filtering all then useful knowledge.

This book has detailed insights into the essentials of sales, marketing, negotiation, strategies, and much more. The book is divided into three parts. The first part is all about introductions and basics of business such as parts of the business, Value Creation, Marketing, sales, value delivery, and finance. This part enables people to understand the book better even though he doesn’t have a business background. The second part deals with the human aspects of business and is only superficial as there is no end to the subject. The third part deals with the working system or making the system work. In a nutshell, True leaders aren’t made by a business school, They make themselves seeking out knowledge from their mistakes, learning from their experiences feeding on their desire for success. This book is a must for people who are business students, businessmen, and aspiring entrepreneurs.

19. Hard Things About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz:

We all know how great it would be to start and run a successful business. But none of us knows the other side of it that is filled with a lot of troubles, sacrifices, and adjustments. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The author of the book Ben Horowitz is one of the most reputed and respected entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley. He offers advice on how to start up and run an enterprise and manage some tough business problems that no business school will teach. In this book, the author gave an honest description of the hard things in starting a business and the struggles at every stage of developing a business. He wrote the book basing on his experiences of starting one of the earliest cloud service companies. The struggles he faced to get the company on track, The sacrifices he made, dilemmas, Contradictions leading to Some hard and harsh decisions like demoting his best friend, Managing personal psychology without ignoring the management of the company. The main feature of the book is dealing with such important and sensitive aspects in straight talk which included humor as well. If you are someone who wants to have a virtual tour experiencing hardships related to starting a company, running it, and developing it you must read this book.

20. The One Thing: Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller:

There are over 2500 good books on time management, Not that all work. Some of them teach you many things but they all seem like beating the bush. But The One Thing just teaches you only one thing you need most like a silver bullet. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. An Extraordinary book from a great author that stood at No-1 as the best seller. It teaches you One Thing that can change you and the way you and deal with all other things. The one advice is to focus on one thing at a time without scattering your thoughts on various things. The author is a Chairman and Co-Founder of the largest real estate company in the world Keller Williams Realty Inc. His New York Times best-selling books have sold more than 2 million copies. In this book, the author explained some things in a great way. They are:

  1. Six lies that block or success and away, a habit to overcome those lies to reach success,
  2. Seven thieves that steal your time,
  3. Laws of productivity
  4. Priority and productivity.

If you want to know the key to productivity and to stay productive just read this book.

21. A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas by Warren Berger:

We all wish to have the art of framing beautiful questions to extract valuable information. But don’t know how to develop the power of inquiry. This book provides a one-stop solution for all your problems with your power of inquiry. The author of the book Warren Berger is an American journalist. He has authored five other books, numerous articles, and journals primarily on creativity, design, innovation, Mass media, and popular culture. A more beautiful question, The art of asking questions to extract the best answer. The quality of your life depends on the quality of the question you ask. Similarly, the quality of your product and the growth of your company depends upon your power of inquiry. We all used it as a weapon when we were children to learn as much as possible and we started to leave the habit once we grow older. But there are companies out there that became revolutionary, making millions and billions using this simple skill of inquiry and framing game-changing questions. By opening up your mind using questions words you are ultimately getting open to a new idea, creativity, and development. Above all you are ready to know your shortcomings, Knowing shortcomings is the greatest tool he can have to become perfect.

22. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin:

A wall street journal and Business Week bestseller. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The author of the book Seth Godin is an American author and business executive. He has written 18 popular books.

The book starts with a thought-provoking question, What do all the successful businesses have that you don’t have? we all including them follow the same 3P’s principle that is- Pricing, publicity, and promotion. These three are common for all.

The successful ones have one more “P” that makes all the difference. That is Purple Cow. Purple cow refers that is not something regular, It refers to something new, and out of box thinking and some phenomenal and remarkable work.

Customers get bored to see the same kind of products every day just like we see ordinary cows and feel now. But when you see a purple cow you feel something exciting, Exactly that’s how customers feel when they see a new phenomenal and remarkable product and that makes you stand out from the crowd. This book explains to you how to be a purple cow with several examples that you see every day in a new framework. Just be remarkable and transform your business into a successful one.

23. The Millionaires Fast Lane By M.J. DeMarco:

The Author of the book M.J.DeMarco is an entrepreneur, investor, adviser, and international best selling author. His books have been translated into 15 languages, and millions of copies sold. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. Fast Lane is a platform created by M.J.DeMarco. It is a discussion forum for startups, Business, and finance discussions. In these books, the author discusses two methods of creating wealth that is the 1) slow lane and 2) fast lane. The slow lane is the traditional method which many follow in their life. Starting with school, Get good grades, get a good job, and save some amount every month. It works, but it takes a lot of time like traveling in a slow lane.

And the author described the fast lane, A foolproof way to generate more wealth by going in a way that is out of the traditional method. If you don’t want to get stuck in the mediocrity of traditional earning ways, hoping for wealth paying all your hard-earnings to wall street, Then follow the fast lane that has been explained in this book. he also explained why the popular advice of Do what you want and follow your passion will never make you rich? Instead of doing what you like, Just start liking what you’re doing, to get rich, and get success in your life.

24. The One Minute Manager By Ken Blanchard:

People study a lot to be managers. But they take little care to become effective managers. Being an effective manager makes a huge difference in which you deal with things, persons, and how they look at you. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. If you have to list some short and sweet but very effective things in life this one must feature on the list. No one would believe such a short book with very simple concepts can bring drastic changes and phenomenal results in your life. The author of the book Ken Blanchard is an American author who has published more than 60 books in his writing career. His most successful book “The One Minute Manager” has sold over 13 million copies and been translated into many languages. In this book, the author describes the qualities A manager must possess to become an effective manager. He must have One-Minute Goals, One-Minute Praising, and One-Minute reprimands. Each one of them takes one minute from your life, but makes a long-lasting impact on your work and personality, boost productivity and profits.

25. Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg:

“[Duhigg] Looks at the numerous ways that people can become more effective, whether in improving motivation, setting goals, making decisions, or thinking creatively . . . [He’s] an effective stemwinder with a knack for combining social science, fastidious reporting, and entertaining anecdotes.”The Economist. One of the best business books related to self-improvement and management. It provokes a thought that If you are being busy that doesn’t mean you’re being productive. The author of the book Charles Duhigg is a journalist and non-fiction writer. He worked as a reporter at The New York Times and author of two books. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his contributions. In his book, he describes the science of productivity, and the importance of effective management of things that we often ignore. He gave eight key productivity concepts that deal with motivation, goal setting, psychology, Focus, and decision making. He gave insights drawn from most recent researches and studies which make the readers feel the concepts more relevant and easily comprehensible. The author explained the concepts by giving some third party examples which are a way of expressing more impartial views.

Best Business Books on Marketing

26. Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult situations by William Ury:

We all want to hear Yes to all our proposals and never wish to hear No. Even though if we hear some No’s we will keep negotiating our best to turn the no into yes. But can you do the same with everyone? Can you negotiate with your boss?

Can you convince an irritated customer? How much you negotiate your skills?-My answer would be A big “No” for this question because we can’t do it. If you want to make this ‘No’ into a Big ‘Yes’ then you must read this book. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The author of the book William Ury is an American author and Negotiating expert. He co-founded The Harvard program of Negotiation, and he helped found the International Negotiating network. In this book Getting past No, you’ll learn how to

  1. Stay cool and composed under pressure situations
  2. Control anguish and Situation of hostility
  3. Viewing the problem from the other angle and finding what they want
  4. Use your powers to bring the other side back to the Negotiating table
  5. Reach a Consensus that satisfies both sides’ needs.

He also gave insights into five barriers to cooperation and how to overcome them. The five barriers namely their emotion, their reaction, their position, Their dissatisfaction, and their power. Your reaction must be based on considering these five barriers. If you are someone who has a hard time negotiating then you must read this book.

27. Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal:

There are some products which you don’t need, but you just can’t ignore them. The secret behind the addiction is the design of the product and the marketing strategy. The design is so perfect and suits the mind of customers. Want to know the secret behind making such products? This book provides insights into the process behind making perfect products. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. “A Must Read for Everyone Who cares about driving Customer Engagement”- Nir Eyal, Author of the book.The Author of the book Nir Eyal is an American Writer who taught at Stanford School of Business and Design. He had sold two tech companies and now helping teams develop more engaging products. For most of his career, he spent with video gaming and various advertisement companies which helped him learn so many techniques about marketing. This book is based on his years of research on Customer engagement and his studies on How products influence the mindset of customers.

In this book, He focused mainly on three aspects:

  1. Customer Engagement Strategies
  2. Building products that people live, and can’t ignore
  3. Behavioral techniques used by various social media platforms.

It is a must-read book for designers, product marketers, Managers, and start-up founders.

28. Blue Ocean Strategy:

Blue Ocean Strategy is a new marketing technique that emerged in 2004. It was a masterpiece compiled by great business gurus of all time. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. Do you think you have mastered the concepts of marketing, or do you consider yourself as a person who has decent knowledge skills? Even if you are related to marketing in any way you must read this book. This book challenges your marketing knowledge about competing in today’s world. Divided into two parts, the first part focuses upon Macro aspects of marketing and explain how we can compete with ourselves such as Raising Standards of manufacturing and Pricing, Eliminate areas to reduce unwanted Costs, Further Reduce costs, and Create more opportunities by making existing products better and by developing new products. The second part of the book focuses on Macro aspects of Marketing and competing with others such as Creating market space, Competing, Analyzing Big Picture, Reaching beyond Demand and supply chain, and getting the right Strategies.

29. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by AI Ries and Jack Trout:

If you want to learn about business marketing from a basic level, Then this book is the right beginning for your journey. This book explains the basics of marketing in a simple, Lucid manner understandable even without any basic knowledge. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. The authors of the book Ries and Jack Trout were world-famous renowned marketing strategists with 40 years of marketing experience. And their experience and expertise can be seen in every concept they have written in the book. It isn’t that easy to articulate marketing knowledge in such a simple manner unless you are someone who made marketing a part of life. In this book, the Authors presented entire marketing strategies in the form of 22 Immutable laws. If you’re someone who is at an alphabet stage of marketing, Then this book is a crash course on your way to marketing professionals.

30. Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini:

The standout and the most valuable book published in the past 10 years, this book is an exceptional piece of work that explains the psychology of people. The Author of the Book Robert Cialdini is the Regents’ professor emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and Visiting Professor of Stanford University. This book is a result of his three under-cover years where he worked in different roles dealing with various kinds of people. He explained Persuasion techniques with his real-life incidents. It is a great book to learn persuasion techniques to derive ‘Yes’ from your customers, and how to defend yourself. It makes you recognize that not all decisions must be according to social science, but some need a psychological outlook to destroy the problem. For marketers, and people who deal and interact with customers and employees directly this book is a must-read to deal with the problems they face.

31. The Essays Of Warren Buffet: Lessons for Corporate America by Warren Buffet:

If you are reading this, I bet you might have heard the name of Warren Buffet at least once in your life. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. Who can forget the great Investing genius devising his concepts of investment philosophy, and value investing? He is a great philanthropist who pledged 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes. He leads a life that people can draw great inspiration. This book is a collection of his thoughts, his life values, investment philosophies which serve as informal education. It is a one-stop solution for sound business practices.

Best Business Books on Self-Improvement And Personality Development

32. Thinking Fast and Slow By Daniel Kahneman:

This book is one of the best business books that focuses mainly on Thinking ability and Decision making. The book takes you on a quick tour of the mind, Teaches a lot about one’s mind. Author Daniel Kahneman is a Nobel Laureate in the Field of Economics. This book Thinking Fast and Slow, which was published in 2011 was based on his decade’s long Research on Thinking, Decision Making, and Consumer Behavior for which he awarded Nobel Prize. He also Gave an Insight into his days of work with the Israeli Defense forces which made him a researcher. This Particular book which seems to be based on the Concept of Mind Martial Arts dealt with the two ways of Human thinking and Decision making. Fast thinking and Slow thinking represent the Attacking and Defensive Nature of the Human Mind. He explained the Rationale behind fast and Slow thinking. Slow thinking is based on Cognition, Deliberation, and Logical Analysis. Whereas Fast thinking is spontaneous, intuitive. The author gave insights on how people use one type of thinking when they need the other and the faults and consequences to it. Thinking and Decision Making is a very vital aspect of life not just for Businessmen but for everyone. I promise that Reading this book would bring drastic changes in the way you see and analyze things and how you make decisions.

33. Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:

One of the best Personality development and Self-improvement book. Some Concepts of this book were influenced by some Business magnets while some of the concepts are related to the problems that bothered the Author at one point in time. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time. This book written by Napoleon Hill back in 1937 has been relevant to circumstances of all times in the past, present, and future as well. The primary focus of the Author is on the basic question of how some people manage to stay healthy, happy, Successful, Satisfied, and Financially independent. While we thought that sacrificing one thing for the other is the basic concept of life. The author has used examples and concepts to make it easy to understand and comprehend.

34. Tribe of Mentors, Short Life Advice From The Best in The World By Timothy Ferriss:

I want to know the secrets of the success of the most successful people around the world. The list may include people who inspired you, whom you aspired to become, people who are even considered as semi-gods as well. That includes businessmen, Professionals, Athletes, Artists, Actors, Billionaire investors. This book written by Tim Ferris is based on his interviews with the most successful people of the past five decades. It deals with their responses to the following questions related to life. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want? How much of life had I missed from under planning or over-planning?

How could I be kinder to myself? And how could I better say “no” to the trivial many to better say “yes” to the critical few?

How could I best reassess my priorities and my purpose in this world? Though it may sound so simple isn’t. It has great insights about life-changing habits, Earnings, Savings, Checking our thoughts and actions, Planning advice from 130+ most influential people. No matter what, reading this book will change your life drastically.

35. Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell:

Another book based on interviews of Highly successful people. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The author Malcolm Gladwell is an established Journalist who worked for The Washington Post and New York. When an established journalist interviews highly successful people to know their secret of extreme success.

This book is a result of the Author’s quest to find a pattern of success considering all the stories of his interviews.

He describes Ice-Hockey players, opportunities Bill Gates has got, Hie Beatles became the most popular musical act, and all about many other celebrities.

He also gave insights about how Cultural differences play a huge role in thinking, Analysis, Decision making, and the Rationale behind it. No one in the world gets success solely based on their brilliance.

The Author explains that Several factors contribute to success such as Birth, Upbringing, Being in the right place at the right time, Ability to take advantage of opportunities coming your way.

He gave insights about how even small differences can make a huge impact by comparing American and Chinese way of learning numbers.

The book explains the concept of “Practical Intelligence” – about Knowing what to say, How to say and when to say it, and whether to say it or not.

Buy this book here!

36. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport:

People nowadays have started focusing on quantity rather than quality, and corporate have turned professionals into multi-tasking puppets, which is prevented them from focusing and learning anything deeply. So, the elimination of deep working resulted in people being Jack of all trades but King of none.

Exactly, Cal Newport focused on this idea and explained how we can develop the habit of Deep work. A combination of cultural criticism and actionable advice.

Deep Work is the art of staying focused on work without any distractions. It helps humans to stay focused, analyze deeply leading to more productivity.

The author stayed away from criticizing distractions. Instead, he focused on explaining the greatness of deep work and the importance of being focused all the tie. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on how developing the art of deep work ethic in any work you do can improve your performance and productivity at a phenomenal rate.

He then presents a set of four rules which make you develop the habit of deep work which can be summarized below.

  1. Work deeply
  2. Embrace Boredom
  3. Quit Distractions especially Social Media
  4. Drain the Shallows

If you are someone who wishes to avoid distractions, stay focused on your task, and goal to increase your productivity and performance then you must read this book.

You can order this book here!

37. The Power of Broke: How an Empty Pocket, Tight Budget and Hunger For Success can Become Your Competitive Advantage by Daymond John:

If you are someone who is down and demotivated because you have nothing then probably this book is your golden ticket to the chocolate factory. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the book, Daymond John Started his career as a t-Shirt seller with a minimal $40 investment, Used his out-of-the-box thinking and marketing strategies to promote his products, and reaped great benefits. This book is based on his experiences and struggles in starting a business and developing without any sort of back-up support n any terms.

He convinces us that starting a business without any support can be challenging, But one must positively take this disadvantage turning it into a burning desire thirst for success.

Failed in a business, no need to worry. Starting a business from broke forces you to think even better and smarter.

Even if you’re against all odds, drained all opportunities to the last one, then you’ve got no choice but to succeed.

If you’re desperate to win We will win. We don’t need any other resources to win.

If you have the hunger for success everything falls in its rightful place.

This book has the power to motivate a person who thinks he had nothing to work with and make him believe that he can achieve anything.

To summarize the book in a single phrase it tells you that even if you have Empty pockets and a tight budget it never matters. All you need is a Hunger for success. It’s Your weapon, your Competitive advantage.

Buy this book here now!

38. The Secret of Success When You Want to Succeed as Bad as You Want to Breathe by Eric Thomas:

If you want success in your life, and you want to know the simple secret of success you must read this book. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the book Eric Thomas is a renowned speaker, educator, author, and minister.

His motivational and energetic messages to youth explaining how to live their lives to the fullest by breaking cycles of crime, despair, and hopelessness motivated them a lot. It rose him to national prominence.

This book particularly deals with the life story of Eric, which is very heart touching and inspiring.

The book starts with what happened in the life of the author when he was at a very young age where he was homeless, eating out of trash cans, and blaming others for his condition.

Then there is a sudden twist where he realizes his mistake and started working to create a fortune for himself and his family. In his attempt, he also created a fortune for lots of people through his multi-million dollar company.

Every part of the book is truly heart touching and highly inspiring. This is a must-read book for everyone regardless of circumstances.

You can buy this book here!

39. Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath:

Chip and Dan Heath, authors of best-selling books that tackle one of the most critical topics in our lives is decision making.

This book is based on Heath’s exhaustive study of decision-making, literature. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

Time and again it is a well-established fact and repeatedly proven that our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities. We even commit mistakes confidently while we are overconfident of ourselves.

In this book, he introduces four villains That affect our decision-making and he also introduced a four-step method of decision making designed to negotiate with our biases to come to a clear and unbiased conclusion.

The best way of reading the book is to relate your way of thinking to the concepts in this book. Observe every step of your decision making, check for biased conclusions, and eliminate them.

Everyone must read this book irrespective of who he is and what he does.

Get this book here!

40. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

This particular book which was published in the 1930s is a pioneering book that stays on top of the list of the best and relevant for all times. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The author of the book Dale Carnegie is an American author and lecturer who developed a lot of courses on self-development, self-improvement, salesmanship, interpersonal skills, corporate training, and public speaking.

This book is a personal guide for someone who wishes to create Aura for themselves and teaches you ways how to handle people to make them your friends.

He says the following four principles to handle people:

Arouse in another person’s wants, Don’t Criticize and complain and always give sincere and honest appreciation.

And then there are six principles to make people like you:

  1. Show genuine interest in other people.
  2. Wish them with a smile, A serious face never gives an impression of friendliness.
  3. Never forget the name of the person, and never let them be aware that you forgot their name.
  4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to express their views.
  5. Keep the interests of other people in mind while you are talking
  6. Make others feel that they are important to you.

Apart from these, there are various concepts and techniques in this book that truly justifies the title of the book.

Buy this book here!

41. Rich Dad- Poor Dad: What Rich Dad Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not by Robert T. Kiyosaki:

The Author is an American Investor, Businessman, Finance author, Lecturer, Motivational speaker, and Self-Help Author. He writes self-help books about motivation, and various books on Global Economics, Finance, Business, and Personal Finance. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

In his book, he compared two contrasting fortunes of himself and his friend. The author’s father is a learned man but financially unstable, Whereas his friend’s father is an Eighth class dropout and Multi-millionaire.

Poor and Middle-class people work for money, But the rich had money working for them. This phrase told by the multi-millionaire father to his son who is the author’s close friend made the author think in a new way about life.

His book advocated for a new kind of Financial Literacy that was never taught in schools. Based on his principle income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even having secure employment. He explained the benefits of acquiring assets for better financial stability and security.

This book is a must-read for everyone irrespective of who you are. Buy Rich Dad Poor Dad book here.

42. Rework: Change The Way You Work Forever by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier:

Every once in a while a book comes out that changes everything, This is one of such books. Ignore at your peril – Seth Godwin, New York Times best selling author.

We all want to do things, start businesses, startups. We all want to but how far can we go, Will it work.?

I bet no one can answer this question. But remember the best way to predict the future is to create it and write it yourself.

This book exactly does that. It teaches you how you need to proceed with your work to end up on the right side always. This book has the potential to change how you work. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the book David Heinemeier is a pro-grammar and creator of the popular platform Ruby on Rails.

In this book, the author gave clear insights on stories of successful front-line startups and How successful the workforce proceed with their working strategies.

This book is a personal guide that teaches you how to stay away from distractions that don’t yield any profits.

Major Takeaways:

He encourages you to Hire carefully, choose your leaders who share work, not the ones who assign works. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

Take small decisions, Always be clear with the order of priority, and most important Listen to customers.

There are powerful lines that can motivate and teach you a lesson in a snap such as:

“If you treat your employees as children you get children’s work”.

“A problem is never a problem until it becomes a real problem”.

So, If you are someone who often gets distracted at work, or someone who wishes to be an entrepreneur or CEO, then you must read this book.

Buy this book here.

43. The One Thing: Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller:


There are over 2500 good books on time management, Not all they work. Some of them teach you many things but they all seem like beating the bush. But The One Thing just teaches you only one thing you need most like a silver bullet. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

An Extraordinary book from a great author that stood at No-1 as the best seller. It teaches you One Thing that can change you and the way you deal with all other things. The one advice is to focus on one thing at a time without scattering your thoughts on various things.

The author is a Chairman and Co-Founder of the largest real estate company in the world Keller Williams Realty Inc. His New York Times best-selling books have sold more than 2 million copies.

In this book, the author explained some things in a great way. They are:

  1. Six lies that block or success and away, a habit to overcome those lies to reach success,
  2. Seven thieves that steal your time,
  3. Laws of productivity,
  4. Priority and productivity,

If you want to know the key to productivity and to stay productive just read this book. You can buy this book here!

44. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us By Daniel H. Pink:


“Pink’s ideas deserve a wide hearing. Corporate boards could do well by kicking out their pay consultants for an hour and reading Pink’s conclusions instead.”Forbes.

This book challenges all your knowledge about motivation. Whatever you heard or spoke about motivation may it be in your school, or at various places this book proves to them that they are of no effect and all you need is this Surprising Truth. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The author of the book Daniel H. Pink is an author, Four of his writings have been featured in New York bestsellers. He worked as a host and co-producer in the National Geographic channel. From 1995 to 1997, he worked as the chief speechwriter of the Vice president.

The book is based on these thoughts and arguments that Human motivation is something of Intrinsic. He strictly opposed the old methods of motivation such as ‘carrot and stick’ methods of Punishments and rewards to push someone to work.

All his thoughts of the author are based on studies conducted at MIT and various universities. It’s proven that offering gifts and bonuses motivated employees only if the work is of basic.

To get something great out of them you need great efforts and that too from an intrinsic origin.

He discussed the elements that provoke motivation from within such as Autonomy, purpose, and Mastery.

Irrespective of who you are and what you deal with, you must read this book. Buy it here!

45. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport:


Everyone has a dilemma in life whether to continue doing the thing they love most i.e their passion or start something more useful and meaningful than passion. Most of the time you get advice to follow the path you like more. Follow your passion. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

But this book says otherwise. The author says when people end up losing their job it can be a dangerous situation where the person may fall into anxiety disorders.

The author of the book Cal Newport is an author of Six self-improvement books. He also writes on a study hacks blog that mainly focussed on academic and career success.

In this book, the author explains the difference between passion, job, and what must be given preference. He says, In real life what you do is not a great matter when compared to how you do it. Whatever you might be doing, All you need to focus on is how you are doing it?.

If you are doing it in a great way, so great that they can’t ignore you, Even if your job is not your passion, you will get success along with self-satisfaction.

This is a must-read book for all those passion enthusiasts out there who try to stick to their passion because they love doing it.

Buy this book on Amazon today!

46. How To Get Things Done by David Allen:


If you are bad at managing your time and unable to get things done within stipulated time then this one is for you. In this book, the author gave a detailed account of his time management technique. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the Book David Allen an American Author and the creator of the famous Time Management method known as “Getting Things Done”. In his book, he explained the core principles of time management along with some news one which proved to be very effective.

The Author says our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to take rest. Being with a clear mind and organized thoughts is the key to productivity. He introduced some principles of time management such as:

  1. 4D Method which means- Do it, Delegate it, Defer it and Drop it.
  2. Reassess goals and stay focused.
  3. Feel fine about what you are not doing,
  4. and many other techniques and practical solutions that change a person’s time managing abilities completely.

If you want to increase your productivity and develop greater time managing abilities then you must read this book. Buy it here!

47. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown:


The author of the book Greg McKeown is a leadership, Author, and business consultant. He is the founder of a leadership strategy agency. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

Are you always busy, and still not productive enough?

Do you have a problem with the inability to say know which results in you doing tasks that others are supposed to do?

Do you feel underutilized?

If your answer is yes, then the solution for your problem is Essentialism, A very essential book that sets everything right.

This book doesn’t teach you to focus or time management. It rather focuses on something that gives more meaning to them. It teaches you how to do the things that are most essential, and ignoring the things that aren’t important.

You can buy this book here!

48. The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden:


We all need the motivation to do things. Sometimes it comes from within whereas sometimes it comes as an internal response to external sources. We all feel motivation can move mountains But don’t know how to get it, where to find and how? We keep reading different things, Watching different things searching for motivation. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

I did the same Until I started reading this book.

The Author of the Book Jeff Haden is a keynote speaker, author, Ghostwriter, and LinkedIn influencer.

In this book, he debunks all the Myths surrounded by Motivation and helps readers know the actual theory of motivation. He tells you what causes motivation, and how to maintain the motivation to keep forging ahead.

He tries to explain that motivation as we perceive the driving force is just a myth. Motivation is not a cause, but it is a process and Result of a process.

Not just about motivation, He also gave insights on various other aspects of life such as Maintaining relations, Maintaining consistency, Achieving fitness goals as well. All the sensitive topics of life were explained in a lucid manner using examples from his real life.

If you’re someone who always in search of motivation in your life then you must read this book to turn your life around.

Get this book here!

49. Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferriss:


Seeing the title of the book you might have already known about the context, content, and intent of the book. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

Tim Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur, and podcaster. He is an Angel investor and advisor to startups. He is the first American to hold a Guinness World record in Tango(Partner dance).

The startups for which he worked include Uber, TaskRabbit, Trippy, Shopify, and many others which are on their way to be the next big things in the business ecosystem.

This book is based on the author’s podcast interviews. In the past few years, the author has interviewed many successful people, in his own words ‘Titans” which include Billionaires, Icons, and world-class performers.

The book contains tools, Tactics, Habits, and routines directly from the transcripts of the Author’s podcast interviews. It gave insights into habits, routines, personal life, and mistakes that they made. The author wants you to learn from their strengths and weaknesses as well.

If you want to learn the routines to follow, the changes that need to make to be successful in life, then you must read this book. Get it here!

50. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck: A Counter-Intuitive Approach To Living A Good Life By Mark Manson:


A book that preaches something different from what we heard throughout our life. This book busts all those orthodoxical concepts and asks you to leave those to succeed. This book features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

To be precise this book is a counter-intuitive approach to have a good life.

The author of the book Mark Manson is an American Self-help author, blogger, and entrepreneur. He is the author of the most popular self-help books and also the CEO and founder of Infinity Squared Media LLC.

We were thought to be positive in all situations and find positivism in everything.

The author asks to bust the overdose of positivism from life. It’s a struggle that gives life its meaning. So we need to deal with it. Having positivism is mindless, neither practical and nor useful.

His arguments are based on researches, studies and he explained them by adding a humor angle to them. Clear all your excessive positivism. Figure out the most important things you need to do and ignore the rest.

And above all, you enjoy reading the book because of talking to You narration, refreshing slap on the generations and positivity, entertaining stories, profane and Ruthless humor.

Learn to ignore things. Learn to ignore what people think and stop worrying. Drop the excess luggage you’re carrying.

This book is a must-read for someone who must learn to keep their life simple and clear without complicating things. Want to buy it? Get it here!

51. Money Master The Game – 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom By Anthony Robbins:


The author of the book Anthony Robbins is an American Author, Philanthropist, and life coach. He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books.

He has inspired more than 50 million people from over 100 countries. Oprah Winfrey the most popular host of t shows calls him Super-Human. This book features in the list of top 100 best business books of all time.

This book is a consolidated form of his one-to-one interviews with the most legendary financial experts in the world. The list includes Warren Buffet, Steve Forbes, etc.

As a silver bullet for financial freedom, he gave a 7-step solution for financial freedom.

He explained the most complex financial concepts in a simple manner using his magical narration, stories to illustration making them simple, comprehensive and actionable.

His concepts apply to persons of all sorts and all income levels. He takes the reader through the steps for financial freedom by creating a lifetime income plan.

You can buy this book here!

52. The Intelligent Investor: by Benjamin Graham:


If you’re interested in investment and looking for some lessons then you must follow “Then Father of Value Investing:”.

The Author of the book is an American investor, Economist, And professor. He is known as “ Father of Value Investing “ for his brilliance in investing. His Writings are considered “the Foundation for Neoclassical Investing”.

A quick word of caution to all those readers, this book doesn’t offer you 100% foolproof or promises you to make rich in a snap. But it provides something more valuable than that. It gives you a wave of wisdom related to investments.

This book deals with the philosophy of Value investment which protects the investors from substantial errors and helps them formulate a long term investment strategy.

Over the past few years, people have tried and tested his philosophies and reaped great benefits.

This book is one of the best business books to read if you want to be an investor and make profits. Order this book here!

53. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson:


This book is based on the theme of coping along with changes and provided An Amazing way to deal with change in your work and your daily routine.

The Author of the book Spencer Johnson is a Writer, Physician and well known for his Children’s books Value Tale Series. This book has been featured in the New York Times Bestselling books list.

In this book, the author dealt with the concepts by taking two mice as representative characters for humans and their hunt for cheese representing the struggles humans face in their life and at work.

The author set up the story in a maze environment that represents the circumstances around us. When the mice had no cheese they worked more efficiently searching for the cheese. But when they found a cheese that gradually changed their habit of working and slowly started becoming arrogant.

What follows up is a very interesting story that explains human behavior in various situations. This is a great self-help book to gain a basic understanding of human behavior and psychology.

You can order this book here!

54. The Power Of Habit: Why We Do, What We Do and How We Change by Charles Duhigg:


The Power of Habit is one of the best business books one must-read. This spectacular book deals with the power of one’s habit, how to exploit good habits, Human nature, and its huge potential to transform.

The author of the book Charles Duhigg is a journalist and non-fiction writer. He worked as a reporter at The New York Times and author of two books. He won the Pulitzer Prize for his contributions.

This book can be divided into three parts, Habits of individuals, Habits of organizations and habits of societies.

In This Book, the author explains how habits work and how they are formed with a scientific approach. It then teaches you the importance of habits and how they can create an impact on individuals, businesses, and organizations with powerful examples.

It also explains to you how you can use habits to your advantage. Every aspect of this book is completely logical based upon research and backed by recent studies.

If you’re someone who wants to learn about habits, the impact they create and how to use them to your advantage, then this book is a much-needed one for you.

Buy this book here!

55. The Ten-Day MBA by Steven Silbiger:


A quick guide, an essential crash course, The silver bullet whatever you may call it, this book fits right into the category of things that are short but create long-lasting impact.

“The best always make it look easier”- Steven Silbiger.

The author does exactly what he told. He condensed and consolidated the vast knowledge of MBA into a silver bullet and named it The Ten-Day MBA.

You don’t need to study at a business school for years. You can become a business genius even without formal education if you have the right kind of mindset. To give business knowledge who have never seen the business school, the author has written this book.

By following just this book, One can master the core concepts of business management. Get this book from Amazon today!

56. The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs by Kevin. D. Johnson:


If you want to be an entrepreneur and want to know what changes you need to undergo to be a successful entrepreneur, then you must read this book.

The Author of the book Kevin. D. Johnson is the president of a multi-million dollar company and a social entrepreneur for several years.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur and be a financial success like the greats first of all you need to change the way you think, your mindset and that changes the way you do things. So, the book features in the list of top 100 best business books of all time. To achieve success, you need to develop an entrepreneur’s mind.

How to develop this Entrepreneur mindset?

Simple technique, If you don’t know how to do it, learn from someone who already did it or doing it. Learn from the greats.

In this book, the author provides you with 100 points that are followed by great entrepreneurs of all time which help you develop the right kind of entrepreneur mindset. He makes you believe in yourself and what you think can never be wrong just because people say it wrong. Many of such rejected ideas had become great businesses.

He also takes you through the ups and downs of business and explains to you that every day you can’t achieve success whether it may be business or life. You just need to keep going.

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur and want to prepare your mind for your business and entrepreneurship task this book can help you a lot.

Order this book today!

57. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant:


If you ever thought that there is something wrong with this world and you felt the need to change it, Then here’s someone who shares the common views with you. This book features in the list of top 100 best business books of all time.

The Author of the book Adam Grant is an American psychologist and an author. He works as a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania specializing in Organizational Psychology. He is the youngest tenured professor at the University.

The book starts with the author’s view about the world that it needs improvement and one can improve the world by being Original.

Using stories from real life and studies from the researches spanning across various fields such as Sports, Business, Movie, and many others the author teaches you how to be original. This includes how to recognize a good idea, How to speak up, How to build a coalition of allies, Choosing the right time to act, living above fear and doubt.

He also gave lessons to parents and teachers on how they can teach the upcoming generations to be original and make this world a better place.

Learn from people and their great stories about being original and how they change their prospects. You can buy this book here!

58. The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson:


If you want to build your business empire but couldn’t find enough time for that, Just see how people managed to do wonders even by being in the worst situation than yours. The Barefoot Executive is a testimonial for such brilliance and perseverance.

The Author of the book is a speaker, Business consultant, and Award-winning author. She built and runs a successful business by staying at her home, keeping family as her priority. How she withstood all the troubles, built up family and business leaves everyone teary-eyed.

This book is based on the author’s experiences from starting a business from home, Being a barefoot executive to being successful personally and professionally and becoming a keynote speaker. In this book, the author gave insights on how anyone can become a barefoot executive that is building your empire from home.

This book challenges you to push your limit, Raise your bar and see what you can do both personally and professionally through hard-hitting truths, Reality, Humor, and strategies for high-performance and productivity.

There’s a lot to learn from this book and her life. Order this book here!

59. The Champions Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train and Thrive by Jim Afremow:


“Athletes who want to learn the secrets of the mental game should read The Champion’s Mind.” —Carli Lloyd, Olympic gold medallist, soccer.

Want to know some secrets about how and what champions think in high-pressure situations, How they train and the mindset they maintain? This book provides insights on such secrets and the rarest knowledge from a completely reliable source.

The Author of the book Jim Afremow is a sports psychologist and worked with some of the great athletes and champions including Olympians.

This book is based on his working experiences, His observations, and studies on how champions think and how they get themselves ready for challenges and how they train.

This book provides great lessons for athletes and for everyone who wants to build their confidence, mental preparedness, and concentration. It can give you make a psychological advantage and that will make a great difference in the way you work under pressure situations.

Buy this book on Amazon!

60. Permission Marketing: Turn Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers by Seth Godin:

The old and traditional marketing ways are not going to work anymore in this Information Age. To learn a brand new way of marketing that has been revolutionary.

The author of the book Seth Godin is an American entrepreneur and author of popular business books. His book Linchpin has been named in the list of best 20 business books of all time. Business Week calls him “The Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age”.

The author of the book Seth Godin is an American entrepreneur and author of popular business books. His book Linchpin has been named in the list of best 20 business books of all time. Business Week calls him “The Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age”.

In this book, he introduces categories in types of marks i.e interruption marketing and permission marketing.

Interruption Marketing includes marketing ways like marketing through television in between an interesting program, or calling the person while he is with family, and all Similar traditional advertisements. They disturb and disrupt the work and life of your potential customers.

However, the author introduces a new form of marketing that is permission marketing in which you don’t disturb and irritate your customers. With the advent of internet marketing, interruption marketing is no longer relevant.

Permission marketing allows users to opt for marketing voluntarily. Why would they do it?

Simple, we offer them incentives. This will enable to target customers who are interested in the product, establish a strong relationship with them as a part of voluntary marketing options and incentives. Once the relationship has been established you can turn them as customers.

Permission marketing has been a revolution in the field of marketing.

Buy this book on Amazon here!

61. Linchpin – Are You Indispensable by Seth Godin:

This book proves to be a life changer and tells you how you can be indispensable and make a great difference wherever you may be.

The author of the book Seth Godin is an American entrepreneur and author of popular business books. This book “Linchpin” has been named in the list of best 20 business books of all time. Business Week calls him “The Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age”.

This book has been translated into 36 languages and reached millions of readers around their life bringing influential changes in their lives.

This book primarily deals with how you can bring substantial changes in the environment around you and how you can make a difference in your organization.

Usually, there exist two categories of people in every organization, management, and Labor. They have clearly defined roles and Duties To perform.

The Author introduces the third category that is Linchpins. These people are troubleshooters in case of any unforeseen, influencers. They Linchpins figure out what to do when there are no clear rules defined.

They find shortcuts to solve complex problems, find solutions to complex situations, deal with angry customers and clients and make them smile, They deal with tough negotiators and emerge victoriously. Irrespective of the situation, they rescue the organization and create an impact. They are indispensable.

They are not bosses, doesn’t get huge salaries. But still, People like them and dream to live like them.

If you want to be such an indispensable person then get this book here and start reading!

62. EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom From The Trenches by Dave Ramsey:

A leader in the Face and Fate of the company. A good leader can lead the company towards success from any stage. So, leadership is the most important skill an entrepreneur must-have.

The author of the book Dave Ramsey is an American businessman and Radio show host. He has written numerous books and five of them featured in New York’s best sellers list. He was the Marconi Award winner for the Networked personality of the year.

In this book, he explained his 20 years of experience, how he leads a company to the million-dollar range that was started just from a card table in his room.

Leading elsewhere is different when coming to leading in Business. It needs a special set of skills. In business, you need to be taking care of profits as well while getting the work successfully done.

You need to take care of employees, clients and everyone else at the same time you need to take care of your business interests as well. The author dealt with these in a great way. He explains how to be careful in initial stages, inspiring and working with your team and building company culture and above all building strong customer relations using better customer support strategies.

No matter you’re and how small your enterprise may be, this book provides step by step guide to lead your company into the dawn of success.

You can buy this book here!

63. Profit First: Transform Your Business From a Cash-Eating Monster To a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz:

Have you started your business recent? Generally, businesses eat a lot of ones in the initial stages and are difficult to manage unless you start earning profits. But how to turn business into a profitable one?

This book “Profit First” deals with the same thing.

The author of the book Mike Michalowicz is an American Entrepreneur, Author, and lecturer. He is the author of five famous business books and many others. He worked as a host for the “Business Rescue” segment in a TV show and also hosted a reality show called Bailout.

In this book, he gave an approach that is unconventional and opposite to the traditional calculating methods. We generally takeout expenses from sales and calculate profits. But the author asks you to takeout some amount of sales as profit and use the remaining for expenses.

This is the best way to reduce expenses on for go.

Sounds good, but how to deal with shortcomings?

The author also provided solutions and how to deal with situations. A business that attained profits in the initial stages catch people’s eyes and your business starts growing rapidly.

Order this book here!

64. The Profit Book: 21 Unique Ways To Increase Sales, Improve Cash Flow, and Boost Your Bottom Line by Davy Tyburski:

Are you always concerned about sales? Are you trying to find new marketing ways and increase cash flow? All you need is just this book.

The author of the book Davy Tyburski is an author and one of the most in-demand speakers and business consultants. He is a practical business consultant who offers result-based and profit-driving services.

In this book, the author provides you with 21 unique ways through which you can increase sales. This book can be a short and quick guide for anyone who is looking to increase their sales.

This book is one of the top best business books of all time and one must read this book to learn the ways to increase their business and sales.

You can buy this book here!

65. The Four Steps to The Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win by Steve Blank:

If you all know the science of startups, how to make them successful then you must read this book. The Author of the Book Steve Blank is an Author Based in California. He is renowned for developing the Customer Support Method and launching the lean startup Movement. His lean startup launchpad has become standard for commercialization and research study. He has launched more than 10,000 startups.

We all feel that startups are smaller versions of large companies and so they require a similar strategy and mechanism. But the author thinks and proves otherwise. He firmly believes startups pose a different set of problems and to deal with those problems we need a different set of approaches and mechanisms.

In this book he provided a very logical, tried and tested four-step method through which your startup can be built upon and achieve success.

Get this book from Amazon today!

66. Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days by Jessica Livingston:

Every startup has started as a small venture facing a lot of struggles and problems. Only a few withstand the struggles and achieve success. If you want to know about the struggles founders faced in their journey towards success just read this book.

The author of the book Jessica Livingston is an American author and the Founding Partner of Seed Stage Venture firm. She also organizes a startup school to incubate the startups.

This book is based on the author’s interviews with several startup founders who achieved success. The book is mainly focused on the struggles these startup founders faced in their initial days, and how they managed to overcome them.

These interviews and inner-views include the founders of Apple, Flickr, Hotmail, PayPal, etc. Every interview of the book motivates you a lot and build a lot of confidence. If you want to know how they became heroes, how they went from worst to good and to be the best you must read this book.

Buy this book on Amazon now!

67. The 360 Degree Leader by John.C Maxwell:

The Author of the book John.C Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and a religious pastor. He has written many self-help and self-improvement books focusing mainly on Leadership. His books sold millions of copies and some of them were featured on the list of New York’s bestsellers.

The author is one of the globally most re-owned and most trusted leadership trainers. In this book, the author debunks all the myths related to leadership and influence. We all wait for opportunities or roles to show our leadership skills and capabilities. But the author says it’s wrong. We should never wait for opportunities.

Opportunities follow those who prove it. So First prove that you’re capable to do whenever and wherever possible.

In this book, he explains how middle managers can use various circumstances and grab opportunities to establish their reputation as leaders. He also showed a way how they can influence their upper, lower and equal levels by being a 360-degree leader.

Get this book today and start reading.

68. Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works by Ash Maurya:

We are living in a world that has ample opportunities and amplified potentials for the rise of new startups and innovation. Admits all the opportunities most of the startups fail to create traction and stop trying more ultimately falling prey to failures.

The author who is an experienced startup advisor explains the secrets behind creating startups and how to keep trying until we find success.

The Author of the book is an experienced startup advisor and the creator of the popular one-page business modeling tool Lean Canvas. He was the founder and CEO of wired reach. His writings have been featured in all popular media platforms including Fortune and Forbes. He organized workshops and serves as a mentor to several accelerators.

In this book, the author explains that the main reason for failures is not a lack of idea or ideology, but it’s a result of wasting time, money, and effort and building the wrong product.

What we need is a plan to test the product in a market environment using minimal resources minimizing all losses. That’s what Running Lean is all about.

Running Lean is an ideal solution for all sorts of people to test their ideas on a small scale and understand scope and potential and make necessary changes until we get the desired result.

You can buy this book here!

69. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason:

unknown.gifIf you want to know some financial principles that lead to personal wealth then you must read this book.

Then Richest Man In Babylon is a book written in 1926 that imparts financial knowledge basing on 8000 years old collection of parables in ancient Babylon.

The author explained about the immense wealth processed by Ancient Babylons. He gave insights into how they managed to create personal wealth using financial principles using parables.

Surprisingly the author explained them in a way that they stay relevant even after thousands of years. The book though written in 1926 is very much relevant to financial situations of our times and will stay relevant to future generations as well.

Buy this book here!

70. The Art of War by Sun Tzu:

This book is a Treatise on Ancient Chinese war tactics dating back to 5th Century BC. This is a book that must be introduced as a lesson in all high schools. All parents and teachers must encourage their kids to read this book. This book introduces spiritual philosophy and methods to deal with military strategy and tactics. This book has been influential in war tactics followed by people of the east for many centuries.

As the book is mainly focused around war tactics, Every philosophy can be applied to general situations and problems we face in our daily life, After all, managing one’s self is the biggest battle of life. It explains how to think carefully, How to analyze the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and how to plan accordingly, How to be a better leader, Know when to take action and so on.

Get this book here!

71. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise And Scandalous Fall of Enron by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkins:

How a company that is considered too big to fail collapsed like a pack of cards? Experience the dramatic fall of the biggest business empire. Enron, a company that once ruled the economy, frightened by rivals and worshipped by the investors as their cash cow. Such a mighty business empire ended as an illusion.

All this because of a scandal, conspiracy, and fraud. The empire began to collapse and finally needed as bankrupt. The people on the top earned millions whereas the people at the bottom level lost everything.

Another testimonial that leadership decides the fate of the company and how big you may be if you forget ethics people will get a chance to forget you soon.

Buy this book here!

72. Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Stephen Guise:

unknown.gifIf you want to know about some small habits that can bring larger changes and results in your life you must read this book.

The author of the book Stephen Guise is an international best selling author, blogger, and entrepreneur. His books which are mainly focused on behavioral change have been translated into 17 languages and reached millions of people all over the world.

Most of us focus on big habits all the time. The author thought the same way until he realized that its small habits bring a bigger change in our life. The author asks you to introduce A small change, A small habit in your life every day. Since it is just a small change, you always look to make it.

It’s too small to fail nature is a big advantage and it helps you to easily adapt. This doesn’t focus on eliminating bad habits. Rather it focuses on inducing positivists in small doses to eliminate negativity and increase productivity.

You can order this book here!

73. Small Business-Big Vision: Lessons on How to Dominate Your Market from Self-Made Entrepreneurs Who Did it Right by Mathew Toren and Adam Toren:

The Authors of the book Toren Brothers are Serial entrepreneurs, Mentor, investors, and founders of youngentrepreneurs.com. Two young but established entrepreneurs who started their own business and turned it into a business empire.

In this book, the authors tried to convey that whatever your mindset maybe If you have the right kind of thinking you can start a business. This book provides valuable information on realities while starting a business.

This book provides practical advice related to every step and the problems you face while setting up a business. From Idea to implementing it, setting it up, seeking investors, advisory board, Business strategies, marketing strategies, Hiring people- You will get advice related to every aspect of the business.

He also provides testimonials using real-life examples about businesses that excelled following the principles. Completely unbiased case studies and derived tips from them.

Order this book here!

74. 24/7: The First Person You Must Lead is You by Rebecca Becky Halstead:

unknown.gifIf you want to learn some great leadership lessons from A fierce warrior and great leader then you must start reading this book. There can be no better person to teach leadership.

The Author of the book Rebecca is a retired Brigadier General in the US army. Rebecca achieved many milestones by being the first woman to reach various higher positions in the US army. She is also the first woman to command strategic combat. She achieved the feat while working in brutal and most violent conditions in Iraq.

The author has nearly 20 years of experience in Executive-level leadership, Developing and training the high-performing professional, Strategic planning and execution. She is renowned for her leadership lessons and training. She has founded her own leadership consultancy STEADFAST with the view of extending the leadership lessons she learned in the military world to the civilian world.

In this book, she gave an account of her military experiences and instances of great leadership, the lessons she learned and how they can be applied in our real lives as well. She gave insights into her real-life experiences, her mistakes, regrets and the lessons she learned that helped her to face all odds and emerge as a great person.

The greatest battle of one’s life is the battle with him/her self, Winning one’s mind and leading it, Mastering the control over it. If not you ain’t going anywhere. This book exactly deals with that. Before you want to lead someone else always ensure that you are leading yourself and you are in full control of yourself.

Order this book here!

75. The 10x Rule: Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone:

We all were told to set a target one step ahead of what we wanted to achieve. If your target is 10 miles, Aim for the 11th mile. But, Does it work? Are you satisfied with targeting one step ahead and achieving what you just wanted and not achieving your true potential? If your answer is ‘Yes’, This book proves you wrong again and again. If your answer is ‘No’, this book tells you how and what to do to reach your optimum potential. The Author of the book Grant Cardone is American, Motivational Speaker, Sales Trainer, and real estate investor. The author introduces a new way of setting targets and achieving them. He asks you to aim for 10x above you can achieve. Not just in terms of setting a target, But in your working potential as well. You must start working 10x your potential. Then your actual aim seems nothing and easily achievable. Even if you fail at reaching the 10x goal you will end up achieving a lot than you wanted to.

In this book, the author gave insights into the mistakes people commit while setting their goals, Mistakes they commit while working for the goals and how they constantly undermine themselves again and again. That is the thing that separates successful people from failures.

If you want to make a difference in life and be a successful person you must read this book.

The 10X Rule is one of my favorite and best business books out there. Wanna buy it? You can get it here!

76. 80/20 Sales and Marketing- The Definitive Guide to Working Less And Making More by Perry Marshall:

This is an all-time classic book and a must-read book for all people who deal with business and marketing.

The Author of the book Perry Marshall is an Online Marketing consultant and author of various books on internet marketing. He founded his online Marketing consultancy and is a famed marketing consultant. He is one of the first and best users of Google Ad-sense in the very first days after its release.

We all think we know the 80/20 rule. This book proves us wrong and shows what 80/20 means the most practical way to implement it to get more profits.

In this book, the author deals with saving 80 percent of the time and resources spent on marketing by focusing just on 20 percent of people who involve highly response clients and customers. By focusing just on them you can maximize your profits by 10 times and even 100 times.

If you manage to filter the 80 percent of time wasters and just focus on the potential 20 percent. 80/20 is an online tool that analyses customers’ habits, browsing behavior, checks for time-wasting tendencies and filters the useless from most useful clients.

He gave various principles and rules for focusing on customers, pricing, and ways to get more profits. Rather than saying it, as a rule, it is better to call it a law that works all the time and always yields the same positive result you expected out of it.

Buy this book on Amazon here!

77. Too Big To Fail: The Inside Story OF How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System by Andrew Ross Sorkin:

The Newspapers will give you a short insight into problems. They don’t cover things in brief. But, If we manage to dig deep into the issue we find more interesting, dramatic events, brutal truths, heroics, and lessons for a lifetime. This book is a small attempt to make a big impression.

The Author of the book Andrew Sorkin is an American journalist and an author. He started his career as a financial reporter dealing with Mergers and Acquisitions. This book featured in New York best-selling books. He is the founder and editor of the DealBook. The author also co-produced a film based on this book.

In this book, the author provides the first definitive account of a big economic crisis and how the wall street and Washington fought to save the financial system. The author takes us to a tour through the events with his dramatic and realistic narration. He recreates the turmoils, crisis.

He explained how Ego, pride, arrogance, greed, perseverance, of the few most powerful people, played their part in the crisis and how they shaped the world economy influencing the lives of billions.

Too Big To Fail is another one of my favorite and best books to read especially if you are in business.

You can buy this book here!

78. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni:

If you’re working with a team or managing a team is your work you know how hard it is to manage a team. This book presents a way to make such a complex task of team management simple and enjoyable.

The author of the book Patrick Lencioni is an American writer who has written some most popular books on business management books particularly related to teamwork and team management.

He is so much associated with the subject that he managed to write nine great books on business management with the primary focus being team management. He even prescribed ways to apply the team management techniques to families as well.

This book provides insights into five dysfunctions in a team and how to identify them in your team. If you find any dysfunction it also teaches you how to be a troubleshooter, resolves the conflict, and keeps the team spirits up.

In this using the author used the fable of a company that faces a leadership crisis and lack of proper team management. What is the fate of the company? What will be the fate of the leader, business, and all those dependent on it? Do they come out of it? If yes how they managed to do it?

These are the major takeaways from this book which helps you a lot in developing leadership qualities and team management.

You can buy this book here!

79. What I Wish I Knew When I was 20 by Tina Seelig:

We all wanted to go back in time to fix something. At least once in our lives we all thought had I known this before things would’ve been a lot more different. This book exactly deals with such kind of thoughts.

The Author of the book Tina Seelig is a Professor of the practice at Stanford university dealing with the subject of Business management and engineering. Tina is the faculty director of the Stanford Technology venture program. She has been a business consultant, entrepreneur, and author of 17 books. She has been the recipient of many awards.

This book is based on the author’s thoughts on various lessons she had learned about a young age when she grew older. We all tend to make decisions without knowing about them. May it be a subject of specialization in education, or choosing a career, job or business, or any other we opt for them with a hope of positive outcome and not with knowledge.

Later in life, we learn about these things, but the chance of making a decision is already out of our hands and it can’t be changed anymore. Then you would feel Had I known this earlier, I would’ve done something else.

This book can serve as proper life guidance for young people especially for someone who is struggling to make decisions. This book serves them ample of knowledge so that they can make wise decisions.

You can buy this book here!

80. Screw it, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life by Richard Branson:

A very small book with life’s greatest lessons this book is a pocket-size dynamo that produces constantly supplies motivation. The Author of the book Richard Branson is a globally renowned entrepreneur, business magnate, Philanthropist, investor, and author. He founded the Virgin group which now controls more than 400 companies. He has established a vast business empire. Though he might a business magnate he is well known for his business tactics and his approach against odds. A genius who started a business at the age of 16, and never turned back his life. Even when he entered the aviation sector nobody thought he stands a chance. But today Virgin airlines is on its way to international stature running more than successfully.

His vision, and making them true in life against all odds is motivational and inspirational to millions.

In this book, he gave an account of the lessons he learned in life and business as well. How to approach a business, How to keep pushing yourself against all odds and people, to dream big and never compromise. He explained all these with real-life examples and in a candid manner.

You can buy this book here!

81. The Art of Start 2.0 by Guy Kawasaki:

Starting is an art. Not all can master it. But, Well began is always half done. But how to get that perfect kick start that imparts greater energy and impetus to your work that gets carried away throughout? Well, the answer is here.

If you are about to start something, something new, A new product or a service or implement a new idea or strategy and want to get the right impetus this book provides just that.

The Author of the book Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist and Marketing specialist. The guy was one of the Apple employees that were responsible for launching on Macintosh in 1984. He has also authored several books. He has tons of startup experience on his shoulders.

If you are on the verge of starting something new in your life you must read this book. Although this book specifically deals with startups and business sense every principle can be applied to anything and everything in a real sense.

This book provides insights on every stage in the life of a startup – from the fundamentals to advanced concepts this book is a one-stop solution. The author also dealt with the conventional methods of start and how technology has replaced the conventional tools of business and how to use them effectively.

Buy this book today!

82. The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy:

Do you want to know the science behind marketing things and master the art of selling? Do you want to increase your sales at a greater rate without much strain? This book helps you easily do that. The Author of the book Brian Tracy is a renowned motivational speaker and author of more than 70 books most of which are focused on self-development. He is a famous business and marketing consultant who trains people on Marketing, Sales, Self-improvement, Time management, and leadership skills.

This book provides a series of marketing strategies, techniques, tried and tested methods to boost your sales and double your income within a short time. The author promises that following this book can be key to your prosperity.

You can buy this book on Amazon!

83. Just Start, Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future by Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F Kiefer, Paul B. Brown:

This book is another one of the best business books of all time. If you are aspiring to start something and counting days waiting for the right occasion then you’re wasting not just your time, but your business and resources. The best time to start is now. So start- Just start. The Authors of the book are seasoned journalists and organizational studies. The trio provides techniques that help you grow your business in this uncertain world. The only thing that is certain in this world is uncertainty. Amidst all the uncertainty people tend to look and wait for some certainties to start. If you think a product has demanded or you have a great idea just start implementing it. In this uncertain world if you keep on waiting for the right time someone else would make a business out of it or society moves on from your idea. So, the best day is today and the best time is now. Just start. You may commit mistakes, learn from them as you go. Start creating the future now if you want to have a future. This book helps you devise better strategies in this uncertain world, minimize financial risk, and Save resources.

You can order this book here!

84. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight:

Want a real but very dramatic story of a person who reached riches from rags just by selling shoes? Want to know the struggles behind The most popular international brand Nike? The Author of the book Phil Knight is an American Business magnate and philanthropist. He is the co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Nike Inc. He is also the owner of a stop motion film production company Laika.A person who started a business of selling athletic shoes by borrowing $50 is now the 26th Richest man in the world. More than that the brand he created-Nike Inc is famous all over the world.

The author takes the reader through the journey of his life. Each page is a real gem, Every scene is quoted dramatic, inspiring, and testimonial for the greatness of the man.

How he started the shoe business by borrowing $50 from his dad, and in the first year itself he made $8000. From then there is no turning back. Nike’s annual sales exceed $30 billion per year even after the emergence of a lot of competitors.

Every aspect of his life is a lesson to the readers. The way he leads the business, team management, hard work, perseverance and even handling success at its best builds a world-class brand. This book had every element of life like humor, happiness, sadness, struggles, and above all unbeatable wisdom of life which is a perfect recipe to attract readers.

You can buy this book here!

85. The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Create Extraordinary Chang By Adam Barun:

A life not lived for others is not a life. Till now we have studied about great persons in business. But, Here is a man who shows a better way to spend the money you earn and use your skills for the good of others. The Author of the book is an American Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and author. This book “The promise of a pencil” has been featured in New York’s best sellers list. He is the founder of a Non-profit organization “Pencils of Promise” that build schools and provide educational facilities to children in developing countries. He built over 250 schools with the help of his organization. It also founded Missoni- A Debt-free higher education program. A small boy’s response to the author’s question lead to an education revolution. When the author asked the beggar what he wanted the most in the world, the boy replied “A pencil”. That moved the Barun to start an organization for children.

This book explains the journey of a young man who left a great job, traveled half the world, and founded an organization.

Starting apart it’s a great thing to make it big. His struggle, strategies, and dedication to his goal, teach a lot of lessons.

Order this book on Amazon today!

86. The Four Disciplines of Execution by Sean Covey, Jim Hauling, Chris McChesney:

We all execute things and we all do it in our way. But there is a perfect way to do it. A form of guide or rules to follow while executing things. Yes, says the trio. The authors of the book are Global practice leaders of execution and started a consulting organization that has experienced phenomenal growth by helping lots of organizations in various countries across the world. The authors propose a four-step solution, four disciplines of execution. It is simple yet effective, tried, and tested foolproof method. The four disciplines are namely Focusing on what is widely important, Acting on lead measures, Keeping a scoreboard to measure progress, and creating accountability. Leaders find this strategy very useful to get things done and achieve success. It is a way of thinking that guarantees great results with increased productivity which is very much needed in this competitive world.

You can buy this book here!

87. Impact: What Every Women Needs to Know to Go From Invisible to Invincible by Nancy D. Solomon:

A book that focuses on women empowerment and developing their personality so that they become invincible. The author of the book Nancy D. Solomon is an Entrepreneur founder of a Leadership incubator. She has more than 25 years of experience in leadership training, Counseling, Executive coaching, and training employees of all levels.

This book is not just a business help book. It focuses on developing the personality of readers in all aspects. This book doesn’t tell you what’s wrong with you, rather it tries to induce some positive vibes by prescribing what you can do. The entire book is based on a single principle- “You are what you do”. The author prescribes some good things to do which makes you a successful person. Reading this book will make a positive and long-lasting impact on your life.

You can buy this book here!

88. Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh Macleod:

We all know that we get creative thoughts in specific instances. A can’t get creative in every situation. We need peace of mind and a favorable environment to awaken creative thoughts. We all say the favorable environment, but what makes the environment favorable? None of us knows except the author. The Author of the book Hugh Macleod is an advertising copywriter, marketing consultant and best selling author, and cartoon publisher. He is well known for his art, creative thinking, and business strategies. In this book, the author specifies ways that we need to do to be creative. He also says instead of trying to stand apart from the crowd you better try to avoid the crowd. Keep doing your work and it is way more creative. Creativity is something that is your own and must be unique, even if it is small. After Reading the 40 ways to be creative you will see a change in the way you think.

Get this book here!

89. Virtuous Leadership by Alexandre Harvard:

Every book on leadership puts the cart behind the horse by saying a leader is someone who has people following him, who motivates his people, etc. But the author’s basic philosophy of the book is based on the question Why should people listen to him? That’s putting the horse in front of the cart right away.

The author of the book Alexandre Harvard is a leadership trainer. His book virtuous leadership has been translated into 20 languages and nurtured many leaders across various countries of the world.

In this book, the author defined who a true leader is. Earning a tag of a leader is different from being a leader. Similarly, a person who is too desperate to become a leader can never become a great leader.

A person who manages to call himself a leader using political, military, or any sort of power can have people following him for a temporary period, But his charisma lasts as long as the power lasts.

Great leaders do not have any desperation to prove themselves as a leader. They know their worth and even people know his worth and start following him. The Charisma of a true leader last forever. Leaders can’t be made artificially. A true leader is a leader by virtue and not be made up of things.

Order this book here!

90. What if It Does Work Out? : How a Side Hustle Can Change Your Life by Susie Moore:

We all dislike the 8-hour routine boring jobs, working under someone, and earning profits for someone else. Do you have any special talents? Why not make your side hustle and reap great benefits? Why not start something, work hard, and live on your terms? This book exactly deals with the aspects related to side hustles and how to make a life out of it.

The Author of the book is a popular business coach, Life coach, and a specialist in advising entrepreneurs to find out their passion and start a dream enterprise just like she did. She also advises people to set up their side hustles, Small and side businesses. She is a great startup adviser- very well known for her high growth startup strategies and astonishing results.

If you’re passionate about your hobby and you feel excited, happy, and satisfied while doing the job there is no meaning sticking to just your day job. You can set up a side business, work hard, and make it big.

We all know it’s easier said than done, But before that, we all had that dilemma about the effectiveness of our idea. “Does it work?”

The author exactly dealt with this problem. What if it does work, you have missed a great opportunity. So, If you are passionate and excited it worth a try. The author also gave insights into how she managed to make her side hustle a grand success and left $500k per month job.

You can buy this book here anytime!

91. Entrepreneur Voices on Growth Hacking by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media and Derek Lewis:

There are a lot of startups that are born years after we did, and they’ve grown faster than us. When we are counting years they are counting growth rates in tens. This masterpiece is compiled by the staff of the Entrepreneur media and edited by Derek Lewis. The book explains the voices of entrepreneurs and their strategies that made them a success in the market. It took some startups that maintained a high growth rate as a case study and explained the strategies they followed to sustain high growth rates. Entrepreneur Voices is one of the best business books of all time and one must read it to grow their businesses using some simple hacks explained by the author of this book.

You can order this book anytime here!

92. Anything You Want By Derek Sivers:

Anything You Want is another one of the great and best business books out there. unknown.gifA very short book that gets completed in an hour, but teaches a lesson that will be useful for a lifetime. In this book, Derek Severs explained his life. How he managed to build a business empire, The struggles he faced while starting his business, marketing, selling products, and 40 different yet useful lessons for new kinds of entrepreneurs. He gave all the secrets, experiences without holding anything back. to conclude in one sentence it’s 10 years of experience in 1 hour.

You can order this book here!

93. Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success by John. C Maxwell:

We all know the famous quote “The master had failed more times than the beginner even tried”. It is their ability to cope with and learn from failures that made them masters. This book exactly tells about how to cope with failures and turn them into stepping stones of success. The author of the book John. C Maxwell is an American speaker, Pastor, and author of bestseller books primarily focused on leadership. His books had also featured in the New York Times bestsellers list.

While doing something some people get success and some people fail. This doesn’t mean the people who get success are born champions or they got success because of their status and stature. They get success because of their hard work and most importantly the way they treat failure and learn from it.

Most of us are never ready to face failure. We run away from it thinking running away from it takes us to success. But the perception is wrong. Most of the time success comes after failure. So, If you’re running away from a failure takes you further away from success. So, you must have the courage to face failure, look it in the eye and challenge it.

Failure is a friend, a guide who shows you the way to success. Learn from the mistake, aim hard this time and you are on course for your success.

Buy this book on Amazon today!

94. The Culture Map: Breaking Through Invisible Boundaries of Global Business:

Not all grounds are level playing fields. Not all playing arenas are the same. Business is not an exception. It varies drastically from place to place and country to country. Here is an account of an international business expert.

The author of the book Erin Meyer is an American author and professor. She is a speaker who speaks about how global cultural differences affect global business, Cross-cultural management, and global Teamwork.

In this book, the author mainly aimed to explain how cultural differences affect the business of the place. This book teaches you how you must consider every place as a special and new one and need to do all the needed studies and groundwork before setting up a business.

Just like Scandinavians think their boss is just an ordinary human being, People of European countries sermonizing and they get to the main point straight away, Americans look to work very hard during weekdays and party hard on the weekends. This is not the same in Japan.

You need to design your strategies according to the culture and people of the place. If you fail to catch the pulse of the place and people it is very hard for you to succeed.

Get this book on Amazon!

95. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson:

Want to know the life history of the Man with a Third powerful Apple that changed the face and fate of the world. After the apples of Adam and Newton, it’s the apple of Steve Jobs that has a greater impact on this world.

This is my all-time favorite book. It features in the list of the top 100 best business books of all time.

The author of the book Walter Isaacson is a renowned author, CEO, and president of the Aspen Institute. He also worked as the CEO of CNN. This book is based on more than 40 detailed interviews of the author with Steve Jobs.

In this book, Walter narrated the life of Steve Jobs beautifully. The struggles he faced, Ups and Downs, How he built the most valuable brand starting his work as a college dropout in a small Garage. He turned the fate of six big companies and has always been the face of the wonderful designs Apple has created.

May it be a product, or life he wanted perfection. He mastered the art of perfection. This book presents honest opinions about his friends and foes, relations, and work.

A lot to learn from the life of a great man and this book doesn’t disappoint readers on that aspect. The author delivered more than expected.

Order this book today here!

96. Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make it …and Why The Rest Don’t by Verne Harnish:

If you run a small or medium company or work in a company you must read this book if you want to be successful, you must read this book.

The author of the book Verne Harnish is the founder of the Young Entrepreneurs organization and the associate of collegiate entrepreneurs. He chairs the ‘Birthing of Giants” at MIT, Advanced Business Program for entrepreneurs over 40. He is an author and often writes as a “Growth Guy” columnist.

This book provides you with practical tools and techniques for building an industry-dominated business. This book focuses to motivate everyone, starting from employees to executives, and entrepreneurs. It tells them how each of them can contribute to the growth and wellbeing of the company by performing their respective duties.

The author focused on four major areas of a company: People, Strategy, Execution, and cash, and how each one of them can contribute and affect the growth of the company. He also provided several one-page tools that will help you develop your business.

You can buy this book here!

97. The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss:

The Four Hour Work Week is another one of the best business books out there. This is the book I always have on my desk.

If you want to have some rest from your regular work, without affecting it then you need to read this book for sure.

Tim Ferriss is an American author, entrepreneur, and podcaster. He is an Angel investor and advisor to startups. He is the first American to hold a Guinness World record in Tango(Partner Dance).

The startups for which he worked include Uber, TaskRabbit, Trippy, Shopify, and many others which are on their way to be the next big things in the business ecosystem.

The four-hour message is an attempt to change the way people work. The author asks us to stop working hard and start working smart. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life each and everything is a game-changer in this book.

Buy this book on Amazon today!

98. Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carryrou:

Bad blood -A classic written by an enthusiastic journalist describing the insider stories of startups in silicon valley. The rise and fall of a business empire, the largest after Enron.

The author of the book John Carrytou is a French-American journalist with wall street. He has won the Pulitzer Prize twice. He currently lives in Newyork and works as an editor at Bloomberg News.

The book provides insights into the interesting story of the dramatic rise and shocking collapse of Theranos, the one-time multi-billion dollar biotech company started by Elizabeth Holmes, and various other events.

The author narrated the book dramatically and realistically and a thrilling experience for the reader. This book gives eye-opening lessons about how over-ambitious and fraud lead to downfall.

Buy this book here!

99. What the CEO Wants You to Know by Ram Charan:

Are you an aspiring Entrepreneur or an aspiring executive?

Do you want to know how to manage a company, and what the best CEOs do to achieve success?

Do you want some insights on the universal laws of successful business management you must read this book?

The Author of the book Ram Charan is an Indian-American business consultant, speaker, and writer.

In this book, the author tried to explain how you can know about the working condition of your company and explains universal laws for running a successful business.

He reveals the working conditions, problems that will help future entrepreneurs and CEOs to get some idea of the working and management arena. He provides some basic solutions and a framework on what sort of thinking you need to face obstacles, solve problems, and manage your company successfully.

You can order this book here!

100. The Rise of The Creative Class by Richard Florida:

Want to know how new forces emerge and change the shape of well-established things beyond imagination? Want to know how new forces shaped our economy and workplaces? This book exactly deals with the same concept.

The author of the book Richard Florida is an American urban studies theorist focusing on social and economic theory. He worked as a professor and head of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto

This book has gained so much prominence because of the author’s vision and intelligence, He managed to explain the forces that are going to influence the economy, Geography, and our workplaces at the beginning itself.

The book is based on decade long research that refines the demographic, economic, occupational, and psychological impacts of the creative class. He further added the new aspects that are shaping the workplaces.

The deviations started with the emergence of a new class of people called creative people. They emerged as powerful and influential. They started gaining prominence and have risen to a position of influencing the economy and working places. And they started deciding whether companies would experience growth and go bankrupt.

Buy this book here today!

101. The Monk and The Riddle: The Art of Creating a Life while Living by Komisar:

What are willing to do for the rest of our life is never the same as what we need to do for the rest of life most of the time? What do we need to do to do what we are willing to do for the rest of our lives?

The author of the book Randy Komisar is an investor that focuses primarily on early-stage investing. He worked as CEO and Virtual CEO of popular companies. He is the founding director of TiVo and serves on the Roadtrip Nation advisory board. This book was named a bestseller.

What do we expect from our work? Although we do it for a living, earning money is not limited to just money. We expect our work to be entertaining. It must be challenging, a great learning experience, and above all, it must give satisfaction.

He steers the readers thought towards decision-making regarding careers and finding a meaningful and dream career.

The Monk And The Rille is one of my favorite and best business books out there. Wanna buy it? You can buy this book here!


That’s it. Such a big list and giant article right? But it is my favorite article I published on my blog. I hope this will help our readers in finding the best business books to read to grow their own businesses and get success.

Now I would like to hear back from you! If you read any of these books, please share your experiences in the comments. You can also suggest any best book if I missed it. I would be very happy to add it to the list. I appreciate your suggestions and support. Wishing you great success.