FaceBook 101

Dec 2nd 2020

FaceBook 101

Digital marketing has been a major tool for businesses today to grow their audiences.And, a key element to a robust digital marketing strategy is social media, and in particular Facebook Ads. With the ever expanding importance of social media, Facebook's advertising platform has allowed companies big and small to reach their target audience members from around the world.Facebook has 2.45 billion monthly active users, and the average Facebook user clicks on 11 ads per month.Even if a user doesn't click on an ad, they can still learn a lot about your brand from the ad itself. Ad impressions went up 33% in 2019, according to HootSuite, which means that brands are leveraging this tool to get in front of their target market, and it's working.So, you know that social media advertising is important, and want to get started with Facebook Ads, or improve your existing strategy.You've come to the right place.

Facebook Ads for Beginners

Benefits Of Facebook Advertising

One of the biggest reasons to take advantage of Facebook Ads is that you can reach a huge number of people. Not only can you reach a broad audience, but you can use Facebook's sophisticated targeting options and get your ads in front of a specific group of people.You can target your ads to reach different people based off of demographic information such as age, gender, geographical location, as well as their personal preferences.

Another benefit of Facebook advertising is that they make remarketing easy.Remarketing, often referred to as retargeting, is when you show an ad to those who may have clicked on your website before but, for whatever reason, didn’t make a purchase.Facebook offers incredible analytics that allow you to track your ads and adjust as necessary.All in all, Facebook Ads are fast, cheap, and effective for businesses of all sizes.While many people are gravitating towards Instagram, there are some key differences between the two platforms that make Facebook a more effective network for social media marketing.With Facebook's broad age range and superior international reach, you may find more of your customers use Facebook when compared to Instagram.

How Much Does Facebook Advertising Cost?

Facebook advertising costs are relatively low compared to other social media networks or digital marketing strategies.When creating your ad, you set your budget on the Facebook Ads Manager platform, meaning you'll never accidentally spend more than you want to. For more extensive ad campaigns designed to reach 200,000+ people, you can use reach and frequency buying for a locked price.When you set your budget, you have two options: daily or lifetime.A daily budget is what it sounds like: the amount you're willing to spend per day on an ad set or campaign. Lifetime budgets involve the amount you're ready to pay for the entirety of your ad set or campaign.The short answer is this: your Facebook advertising cost is whatever you need it to be to demonstrate success.

Facebook Ad Formats

When you're looking at Facebook Ads for beginners, you might be overwhelmed by various formats.Luckily, they're pretty easy to get the hang of. You likely won't use every single option. Instead, select one that aligns with your advertising goal.Here are some of the most common Facebook Ad formats:

  • Static image ads: images of your product or brand, that can include text and links to your website
  • Video ads: similar to image ads, but include video instead of an image. You can either opt for a single image/video or advertise in a carousel, which showcases up to 10 pictures or videos (each with its own link) in one ad. Make sure your ads are the right size if you go for one of these ad formats.
  • Collections: ads that feature multiple products and let your customers discover and browse items from across your website. When a user clicks on a one, it opens an Instant Experience, which is another type of ad. Instant Experiences provide a full-screen look at your brand and its products or services.
  • Boosted Post: an ad that promotes a post that's already on your page to get higher engagement with your current audience and reach new users who don't yet follow you. These ads are an excellent way to get around Facebook’s declining organic reach.

Depending on what you're trying to achieve with your ad, employ and test the different formats. For example, an image carousel might be a great way to drive sales for different products, whereas a boosted post can invite follower engagement.

4 Signs It’s Time to Invest in Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are an incredible tool; however, they're not automatically a perfect fit for every business. There are a few things to consider before you launch a Facebook campaign.

1. Your Website Is Optimized

Most people browse Facebook on their phones. If they click your ad and it directs them to a website that isn't optimized for mobile viewing, they're going to click right off.Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, has a fast loading time, matches the brand style you're putting on your Facebook, and has proper Privacy Policy requirements and cookies.

2. You Have The Budget To Test Ads

As we've mentioned, you can use Facebook Ads no matter the size of your budget.But you'll want a dedicated budget that allows you to run some test ads so you can see if this avenue is genuinely worth it for your business.

You don't want to sink money you don't have into a marketing option that's still somewhat of a gamble.Collect a small budget that lets you test the waters.

3. You Already Have A Social Media Presence

Setting up a Facebook page and starting to run ads the next day isn't the best strategy.You want to already have a dedicated Facebook following, and probably audiences on other social platforms like Twitter or Instagram as well.

If your social presence is lacking when you start to run ads, you'll be shouting into the void.

4. You Know Your Product Is Great

For your ads to work, you've got to have a quality product or service.If your product isn't providing value and solving problems for your target audience, it won't sell, regardless of how big your ad budget is.Ensure your product is worth promoting to your audience.

Types of Campaigns and Associated Goals

You can combine different types of Facebook ads in a campaign for your business.A campaign essentially puts several ad types together to reach one specific goal for your company, whether you want to gain new traffic, retarget users, or something else entirely.Facebook campaign types will vary depending on what you want to get out of your ads.When you first start a campaign, you’ll need an objective. Facebook gives you three types of objectives to choose from: awareness, consideration, and conversion.Within these topics, you’ll have more specific goals to consider, such as local awareness, engagement, lead generation, store visits, and more.Facebook awareness campaigns are all about getting the word out.You can choose to focus on brand awareness, local awareness, or reach.If you’re a smaller business looking to increase your reach, this is likely the type of campaign for you. The focus here will be on lifting your ad recall, not necessarily generating conversions (though that may very well happen). Metrics like impressions and frequency are the most important in an awareness campaign.

Consideration campaigns focus more on interacting with your audience. You can select objectives like traffic, engagement, app installs, video views, and lead generation.This type of campaign is best when people already know about your business, but they aren’t interacting with you as much as you’d like. You’ll find metrics like post engagement, page likes, event responses, and more.Finally, the conversion campaigns focus on getting people to take action. Your available objectives include conversions, product catalog sales, and store visits.These campaigns are the right fit when you've got a following that's engaged but isn't necessarily flocking to your website to buy your products. Here, you can track metrics like click-through rate, impressions, and frequency.

Facebook Ads Tutorial: 6 Steps to Get Started

With all that behind us, you’re ready to set up your first Facebook Ads campaign! This Facebook Ads tutorial will show you exactly how to get started.

Step 1: Get Acquainted With Facebook Business Manager

Create an account on business.facebook.com to get started – this is where you'll run your Facebook Ads account, create ads, establish pages for your business, and more. You can create a new ad account or integrate an existing one.

Step 2: Install The Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is the way to connect your Facebook page with your website. Without it, you can still set up ad campaigns, but you won’t know if an ad drove sales or how many sales have come from your Facebook campaigns.If you're working with Shopify, you can go to your Business Manager account, copy your pixel ID, and paste the number into the Facebook pixel ID field, which you'll find under "Online Store" in the "Preferences" section on Shopify.

Step 3: Create Audiences

Speaking broadly, you can create retargeting and prospective audiences to focus on within your campaigns.

Visit the "Custom Audiences" section of Facebook Business Manager to draw from sources like engagement (which is huge when it comes to Facebook’s algorithm), website traffic, and customer files to build a retargeting audience. To build a prospective audience, Facebook has tools like Lookalike Audiences and information on demographics, interests, and behaviors.You can draw from these categories to understand what else your audience might be interacting with on Facebook, giving you a better chance to capture them.

Step 4: Design Your Campaign

You can now start to create your campaign! Visit the Ad Manager and select "Create." Here, you'll be able to choose from the objectives, under "Campaign Objective." You’ll then be able to move on to your ad sets. You can choose how much to spend, where you want your ads to appear, and which of your audiences you want to focus on, whether you’re looking for retargeting or prospective targets.

Step 5: Choose Your Ad

Within your ad sets are, well, ads!

You can choose from the ad formats we've covered to create the advertisements that Facebook will feature within your campaign. If you want to set up a product catalog, you can do so within the Business Manager "Assets" menu.

Step 6: Optimize Your Campaign

Check your ads daily to see how they're performing, but don't be tempted to change them immediately. It can take a while to see results.You may want to create a funnel by targeting your audiences and then getting more specific about the results you're looking for.

Tracking and Measuring Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

It can take time to get results, so don't jump the gun too soon and make changes before your ads have had time to gather enough impressions.Keep in mind that your budget can impact how quickly you see results.If you're spending less, your ads are running less frequently or reaching fewer people, so it will take longer to see how your campaign is performing.Be sure to keep your eye on metrics like engagement, reach, and impressions.Above all, consider what your campaign is trying to do. If you have launched an awareness campaign, engagement won’t be the most important metric for you. Consider your budget versus your results to determine your ROI.If your campaign has been performing for a while and still hasn't given the results you want, then you may reconsider your Facebook advertising strategy.But don't jump to conclusions.Give your campaign time to provide the results you're looking for.Despite all the short-lived trends of social media marketing, Facebook Ads have been around for a while and aren't going anywhere soon, so you'll have time to get to know the platform and see what works for your audience.

Facebook Advertising 101: Key takeaways

Facebook Ads are a great tool to have in your social media advertising strategy. Whether you plan to run your ads in-house or hire a social media marketing agency to set up and run your campaigns on your behalf, here are the key things to remember when you're getting started with Facebook:

  • Facebook advertising is an affordable way to reach new audiences and increase conversions, and it can work well for businesses of all sizes.
  • Facebook Ad campaigns work well for businesses with a decent marketing budget, a website optimized for mobile, an established social presence, and a high-quality product.
  • Facebook Ad campaigns can be focused on awareness, consideration, or conversion. Within a campaign, you can run ad types such as image, video, carousel, collections, and more.
  • When establishing a Facebook campaign, set up an account with Facebook Business Manager and set up a Facebook pixel. Select your campaign and objective, put together an ad set, create ads, and track them for a while before analyzing results and reacting accordingly.