BONUS - Logo Collection

Entrepreneur BizPro

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Product Overview

Why Are Logos Important

Logos matter a lot, and here’s why. Think about any business at all. Reebok, Ford, anything works. The first thing you think about is probably the logo, right? If you were to design a comic book based on these brands as characters, their logos would literally be their faces. When you see a logo that you have a history with, you will associate it with those experiences and memories.

Brand Recognition

A good logo provides an instant memory of your brand into a customer’s mind. Simple shapes and colors are the easiest things for people to process, and they’re so much easier to memorize than words. Because of this, if your logo is a unique, simple image, it’ll stand out from the crowd in the marketplace, making it easy for your customers to find and identify you.

Influence Our Decision Making

The second your customer looks at your logo, whether or not they find it aesthetically pleasing, they are going to start making judgments about it. That one image will change how they see you in some way. If your customer thinks that your logo is too much of anything, be it fun, expensive, corporate, or radical, they will avoid it. And if the brand and logo look like it will compliment the image they put out in the world, they’ll consider buying it. You want to encourage your target audience to buy from you. So, by extension, you want your logo to represent you the right way. Also, from the start, your logo will give your customers expectations of your brand and if you don’t meet them, things will go downhill. It’s so important to get this part of branding right.

First Impression

When it comes to impressing and attracting customers, you have one chance to get it right. If your logo cant draw in onlookers, it’s so easy for people to click away or find something else they jive with more. Poor logo design can seriously hurt your business’ first impression. If you choose to go the DIY route or save money on an inexpensive designer, you need to understand the risk you’re taking. Scrimp and save at other points in the branding process, not here. After all, there’s nothing more expensive than a cheap design.

Brand Values and Other Meanings

We’ve hopefully got it stuck in your head that your logo’s one and only mission in the world is to let people identify your business. But, and this is a small but, you can also use them to communicate specific messages about your brand’s values. The key here is simplicity. You don’t want to try and shove as much meaning as you can into your logo, that will just overwhelm and confuse your target audience. Stick to one idea and go with that.

Think about the FedEx logo. Did you ever notice the little arrow hidden in the white space between the E and the X? That’s a brilliant way for that company to show that they are speedy and precise. When you can understand the role of a logo completely, you will create a better image that will perform for your business in every aspect: identification and brand values.


Your logo needs to be simple for a number of reasons. One of the most important is that when they’re simple, they are easily scalable to either very small or very large sizes. If you make your logo too complex, full of intricate details, you’re going to lose all of those details when you shrink it down. Think about your logo in terms of where you are going to put it. You’ll want it plastered on your website, all of your ads, your stationery, brochures, signs, marketing swag, and more. It’ll have to translate to a vertical space and a horizontal one. If you keep it simple, you’ll be able to adjust it to whatever medium you need it to go on.

Included in this Bonus is 30 Logos in Adobe Photoshop .psd format. These logos are free to use or edit!

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