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Product Overview

For more than 100 years, companies have used slogans in their advertisements. Major corporations and small business alike have used catchy phrases to tell the world what makes their product or service special or different. When done well, a slogan can become the centerpiece of a company’s identity – and if done poorly, a slogan can send the wrong message and actually drive customers away. This kit contains 100's of name ideas for your consideration.


An advertising slogan is usually a short tagline – less than five words -- that tells potential customers the benefits they can expect when choosing your product or service, or establishes your company brand. Most slogans are catchy, declarative phrases that use devices such as metaphors, alliteration or rhymes with simple, vibrant language. In most cases, slogans don’t actually mention the company name or product, but instead focus on what the company or product does and how it is different from anything else on the market. This helps customers remember you and your company when they are shopping for the product or service you offer.


In today’s media-saturated environment, consumers receive thousands of advertising messages; the consumer agency Yankelovich estimates anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 advertisements each day. From television and print advertising to social media and blogs, consumers are bombarded with information about products and services almost every minute of the day. Developing an effective advertising slogan helps companies cut through the chatter and get consumer attention quickly. While a paragraph-long explanation of your product might give potential customers plenty of information, a punchy slogan cuts through the clutter and creates a memorable image in the customers’ minds.


When you develop an effective advertising slogan – one that’s memorable and gives an accurate picture of what your business is all about – the slogan becomes an important part of your brand. An advertising slogan reveals a lot about your company, especially when the slogan reveals something about your prices, services or what customers can expect. In some cases, the slogan reveals even more, such as a technology company slogan that emphasizes its differences, or a shoe company that encourages customers to reach for their goals. These slogans build a brand identity that sets the company apart, drawing customers who want to experience the benefits of that brand.


Companies marketing their products or services often develop a marketing plan that includes a variety of tactics, including print and electronic advertisements. A strong advertising slogan ties all the elements of the campaign together, creating brand recognition in customers’ minds. The same slogan can appear not only in the advertising, but also on promotional items such as hats and T-shirts, in public relations materials and on the actual product packaging. All this serves to create brand recognition in the minds of customers.

This Guide covers all aspects of Digital Marketing you will need to run and operate your business!

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